Monday, June 30, 2008

Active Rest Day

Go for a long walk, stretch, do some yoga, go out and shoot some hoops!.....whatever you do - do it at a low intensity, but do it for at least for 30 minutes.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Today's Workout

Time for some upper body ME work.

Do some PIN PRESSES IN THE RACK, with the pins set at chest level.
Warm up and perform 5 sets of 5 reps adding around 10-20lbs with each succeeding weight until you reach a max set of 3-5 reps. In between these sets do 10 reps of a SUPINE PULLUP OR BODY ROW using either a bar or rings. Challenge your grip a little by using a thick bar. Rest 3 minutes between each round.

Hit some METCON work after this. Utilize the rep scheme of 21-15-9. Your exercise couplet will consist of the SUMO DEADLIFT HIGHPULL and HANDSTAND PUSHUPS. Use a barbell loaded to 95lbs for your SDHP's or use a sandbag or kettlebell to scale. If you cannot do the HSPU's then perform regular push-ups or a modified version.

Go to a place of worship or call someone who needs to hear from you or vice-versa and enjoy your Sunday.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Today's Workout

Start with some box jumps. Sets of 6. Add a weight vest if you can, preferably a 20lb vest.

12" x 6 jumps
18" x 6 jumps
24" x 6 jumps
30" x 6 jumps (really push it on your last set of jumps!)

Move on to dynamic effort box squats. Use a regular bar, buffalo bar, or a safety squat bar. Load should be 50% of your 1RM squat.

Today do 10 sets of 2 reps with 60 seconds rest inbetween. Remember....not to heavy today- tight form and explosive reps, lower in a controlled manner, sit on box and explode back to start.

Finish with either Reverse hypers, back extensions, or 2 handed KB swings for 5 sets of 20 reps.

Stretch and enjoy the start of your weekend.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Today's Workout

Let's start out with....

100 Abmat or conventional situps

Then do...

1 minute of jumprope
20 MB slams with either a 20 or 10lb MB

Do this for 7 rounds

Then go back to....

100 Abmat or conventional situps

put a time component to all of it, record it and you are done!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rest and Recovery Day

Take a break today, or practice a skill. If you have some time, check out the Monkey bar gym site at Jon Hinds has put together an interesting site with some great ideas utilizing bodyweight, band, and kettlebell training. Good stuff.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Today's Workout

800 M run
400 M run
200 M run

AMRAP in 15 minutes:

Seated (spread eagle sit on floor) KB or DB alternating overhead presses x 5 reps (each side)
Deadhang pullups x 5

200 M run
400 M run
800 M run

Check this site and product out! I ordered one today and plan on mounting it in the garage, and if it pans out, order several more for my offsite gym. Give it a look and I will report back when I receive mine.