Thursday, April 30, 2009

TRX suspension trainer

Today's Workout

RE LB Week #2

3 mins HIT cardio

Box squats 60% or 1RM for 4 sets of 10

GHR x 4 x 10

TRX dynamic lunge x 4 x 20

Abmat situps x 100 with 25lb plate on chest

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

200lb Kettlebell!

Today's Workout

45 minutes on the airdyne bike, keep it at between 65-70 average rpm.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Chris Long and Jared Training?? Crazy!

Today's Workout

ME BP Week #2

3 mins HIT cardio

Barbell Incline Press, work up to a max set of 3 reps. Take 80% of that load and perform max reps and record.

A1. DB rows x 4 + 4
A2. Suspended Pushups with load x 12-15
x 4 rounds

Standing single arm KB jerks x 8 + 8 x 2 sets

B1. Overhead rope tri extensions with a lunge x 10-12
B2. Log bar curls x 6-8
x 3 rounds

20 mins moderate intensity cardio

Monday, April 27, 2009

Josh Everett does it again!

This is a great video from Crossfit Marina. Coach Everett is a terrific example of someone who actually walks the walk. What an effort!

Today's Workout

ME LB Week #2

Deadlift emphasis

3 min HIT cardio

Rack Deadlift, same position as wk#1, same stance as you used last week, work up to a max set of 3 reps. Take 80% of that load and perform max reps and record.

DB Reverse lunge x 4 x 6

KB overspeed swings x 3 x 15

Cable pull throughs x 2 x 20 (stiff leg)

20 minutes moderate cardio

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Today's Workout

12 minute moderate cardio

10 box jumps (24"+)
10 Powercleans (95,135)
10 MB throws
10 KB snatches right and left (16kg)
10 GHR situps
10 Back extensions
5 rounds

12 minutes moderate cardio

Friday, April 24, 2009

Good Luck to all Draftees!

Today's Workout

RE BP Week #1

3 minutes HIT cardio

Narrow grip incline press x 4 x 10

Incline CS cable rows x 4 x 10

A1. 100 dips
A2. 100 kipping chins

B1. Thickbar curls x 3 x 10,8,6
B2. Overhead Press x 3 x 10,8,6

20 minute moderate intensity cardio

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Today's Workout

RE LB Week #1

3 mins HIT cardio preferably airdyne

Barbell Squats 4 x 10 with 50% or your 1RM

GHR 4 x 10 use additional load if needed

1a. TRX dynamic lunge x 10
1b. 18" box jump x 10
1c. MB slams x 10

as many round as possible in 5 minutes

5 powercleans, 4 snatches, 3 hang cleans, 2 hang snatches
rest and repeat for 3 rounds

12 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today's Workout

45 minutes moderate intensity cardio! You pick the modality. Show me your warface!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Today's Workout

ME BP Week #1

3 mins HIT cardio

Barbell Incline press, work up to a max set of 5 reps, drop to 80% and perform reps

A1. DB row x 5+5
A2. Suspended pushups x 20
x 4 rounds

Seated (on floor) KB alternating press x 2 x 12

B1. Overhead rope tricep extensions x 15-20
B2. Logbar curls x 8

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Monday, April 20, 2009

Today's Workout

ME LB Week #1

Deadlift emphasis

3 min HIT cardio

Rack Deadlift just below knee, sumo or conventional work up to a max set of 5 reps, drop to 80% of your 5RM load for the day and do max reps and record.

DB Reverse lunge x 5x5

KB overspeed swings x 3 x 15

Cable pull throughs x 2 x 20 (stiff leg)

20 mins moderate cardio

Friday, April 17, 2009

Today's Workout

RE BP Week #3

3 minutes HIT cardio

A1. Incline BP with small bands attached x 4 x 8

A2. Mountain climbers x 4 x 10

B1. Seated row with chains draped over stack x 3 x 15-20

B2. Suspended Pushups x 3 x 15-20

C1. Barbell curls x 2 x 8-10
C2. Barbell press x 2 x 8-10

20 minutes moderate cardio

Thursday, April 16, 2009

CrossFit Football

Check out the latest incarnation of the CrossFit movement-

Today's Workout

RE LB Week #3

3 mins HIT cardio

Rack Deadlift (about 2 " off floor) x 3 x 6 reps (adding 20lbs from last week)

A1. Olympic Squat x 3 x 8
A2. KB swings x 3 x 16

20 Minutes moderate intensity cardio

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Healthy Snack

Try some paleo kits, found at

Today's Workout

45 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Today's Workout

ME BP Week# 3

3 minutes HIT cardio

Work up to a max single on the barbell floor press (use spotters or spotter bars in rack)
Take 80% and hit max reps and record.

A1. Weighted Pullups x 10,8,6
A2. DB Incline press x 10,8,6

Countdown set:

DB push press
MB slams

Tabata Jumprope x 20sec work/10 sec rest x 8 rounds

Monday, April 13, 2009

Today's Workout

ME LB Week #3

HIT cardio x 3 minutes

Barbell Squat Max single today. Then take 80% and hit a max rep set.

BB Step ups (12") 5 x 5

45 degree hyper extension x 3 x 8 (with load)

20 minutes moderate cardio

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Today's Workout

RE LB Week #2

3 minute HIT cardio

Rack Deadlift (conventional) 2" off floor x 3 x 8

DB lunges x 3 x 5+5

A1. Free squat to dynamax ball with 20lb vest
A2. KB hand to hand swing
X20 seconds work/10 seconds rest x 5 rounds

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Today's Workout

40 minutes steady state cardio....then stretch.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Today's Workout

Posting late! Will post Monday's and Today's Workout-


ME LB Week 2

Barbell Squat Max set of 3, then take 80% and hit a max set of reps and record.

Barbell step-ups 4 sets of 5 reps per leg adding 20lbs from last weeks weight.

45 degree hyper ext or any back extension 3 sets of 10 reps with 35lbs

Today's Workout-

ME BP Week 2

Barbell Floor press Max set of 3, then take 80% and do a max set of reps and record.

A1. Pendley BB rows 3 x 8
A2. Crossover pushups 3 x 12

B1. Seated (on floor) DB or KB presses (alternate) 3 x 10
B2. Rolling Thunder 3 x 10 (right and left)

100 abmat situps for time

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Rest Day!

Basketball travel team tryouts today!!! Say that three times fast. Will he make it or won't he?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Today's Workout

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

10 reps of a cuban press into an OHS
10 abmat situps with 50lbs additional resistance
10 box jumps 24"
10 KB speed snatch (no heavier than 16kg)
100 jump rope
x 3 rounds

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio


Friday, April 3, 2009

Penn State Strength

Today's Workout

Week #1 RE BP

3 minutes HIT cardio

A1. 2 board BP with single chain x 4 x 8
A2. Ring pullups x 4 x 8

B1. BB hang powerclean and press x 3 x 8
B2. TRX supine rows x 3 x 15-20

C1. DB hammers x 3 x 10
C2. CG BP x 3 x 10

Tabata "wild ropes" x 20 sec work/10 rest x 16 rounds

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Today's Workout

Week #1 RE LB

3 minutes HIT cardio

Sumo DL 60% 1RM x 5x5

DB Complex x 5 lunges + 5 SLDL x 3

Box jumps x 50 (24-30") in as few sets as possible

2 hand KB swings x 50 (25-50) in as few sets as possible

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Today's Workout

10 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Sled pulls or prowler pushes x 60 yards

Cable woodchop x 10 + 10

Repeat 3 X's