Saturday, January 31, 2009

Today's Workout

DE BP Week #1

Bench Press 50% of 1RM for 9 sets of 3 reps

DB Floor Press 3 x 8

Single arm KB press x 5,4,3,2,1

Jumpstretch band pressdowns x 3 sets of 45 seconds

20 minutes moderate cardio

Friday, January 30, 2009

Front Squatting an Elephant

Today's Workout

A1. Supine grip chins x 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
A2. Barbell Row x 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

DB highpull/shrugs x 4 x 8

PG highpulldown x 4 x 8

50 GHR situps

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Today's Workout

A1. Close stance (low bar or high bar) Squats x 5 (60-70% 1RM)
A2. Box Jumps x 5 (24"+ box)
X 5 rounds

Barbell RDL's x 4 x 6-8

TRX Split Lunge jumps x 30 seconds x 3 rounds

Front/Side/Rear planks (bridge) x 60 seconds x 2 rounds

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Today's Workout

ME BP Week # 1

Reverse Band BP (Green jumpstretch bands) Max set of 5 reps, then take 80% of your 5RM and get max reps.

3 way DB laterals (side,front,rear) x 21 x 3

Standing barbell press x 10,8,6,4

Dips x 100 reps

3 minutes intense aerobic activity, rest 3 minutes repeat 3 X's

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

An Apple A Day....

If you are looking for a healthy snack to eat on the road, go to your local grocery store and pick up a few bags of Crunch Pak apples. Sliced, cleaned and ready to eat they are a better alternative to pretzels or chips. Lots of vitamin C and healthy fiber- pick up a bag and give em a try- great for kids lunches too!


I do not throw out the designate beast too often, but this guy certainly qualifies. Rob Orlando has been showing up alot on the mainsite and really takes it to another level when it comes to his WOD performance. Outstanding and unbelievable to watch.

Today's Workout

10 Pullups
10 MB slams
5 rounds

CS DB rows x 3 sets of 5

BB shrug x 3 sets of 30 seconds

200 abmat situps for time

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Friday, January 23, 2009

Today's Workout

Seated Cable Row x 3 x 8-10

Snatch grip upright rows x 3 x 8

Back ext/DB row combo x 3 x 10

KTE's x 3 x 15

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Today's Workout

RE LB Week #3

Box Jumps 12" x 3, 18"x 3, 24" x 3 30+ x 3

Belt Squats x 3 x 20,15,10

Barbell RDL's x 3 x 8

Reverse Hyper x 2 x 15-20

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Today's Workout

ME BP Week 3

3 board BP with 1 chain on each side x work up to a new 1RM, then take 80% and hit your rep work.

A1. DB flyes/presses x 10-12 (lower db's, curl in towards chest and press for 1 rep)
A2. Dips with load if possible x max reps
X 3 rounds

Barbell cuban presses x 10 x 3 with a light weight

20 minutes moderate cardio

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today's Workout

C/S DB rows x 3 x 6-8

A1. Kipping pullups x 10
A2. BB floor pullover x 10
A3. DB shrug x 10

Supine row with TRX or Rope x 3 sets to failure

20 minutes moderate cardio

Monday, January 19, 2009

Today's Workout

ME LB Week 3 DL emphasis

Sumo or conventional DL for a new RM, then take 80% of that number and do max reps. Stop when form starts to break down and record reps.

DB high box step ups (18") x 3 x 8+8

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Today's Workout

Rest today! I will be "resting" at my daughter's club volleyball tourney most of the day and then "rest" some more at my son's basketball double header.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Today's Workout

DE BP Week #2

BP with single chain per side with 55% of 1RM x 9 sets of 3 reps alternating between a wide, moderate, and narrow grip with each set.

A1. Eccentric DB flyes x 10
A2. Incline BB press x 10
x 2 rounds

KB clean and press x 2 x 10

EZ bulldog bar curls x 2 x 10-20 reps

Friday, January 16, 2009

Today's Workout

A1. DB rows x 4 x 6+6
A2. BB shrugs for time x 4 x 30 seconds

CS row x 3 x 15

Pull ups x 3 max sets

Floor wipers x 20 x 95 x 2 sets

20 minute moderate intensity cardio

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Today's Workout

Kick ASS Metcons!

3 minutes high Intensity cardio

DB thrusters 40/20
KB swings 70/35
3 rounds for time

6 minutes high Intensity cardio

Low box step-ups
Barbell Powerclean and Front squat combo 95/45
30 seconds work/ 10 seconds rest x 5 rounds

9 minutes high Intensity cardio

150 abmat situps for time

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Today's Workout

ME BP Week #2

3-Board BP
Hit a 3RM then take 80% and achieve max reps. Be safe, have a spot or racks in place and stop when form breaks down.

Alternating DB incline press 3 x 8

3 way DB laterals x 7 side, 7 front, 7 rear x 3 sets

Standing Press x 8,6,4


30 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, 5 rounds
KB swing
HIgh Box jump
Alternating ropes
Russian twist or MB on a rope seated or standing rotations

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Today's Workout

A1. Knees to Elbows
A2. Walkout to plank
Countdown set 10,8,6,4,2 for time

Barbell Shrugs x 5 x 5

CS row x 4 x 6-8

Eccentric chins x 3 x 3

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Monday, January 12, 2009

Today's Workout

ME LB Wk#2

Sumo or Conventional DL Max set of 3, then take 80% of your 3RM and get as many reps as possible before your form breaks down.

Belt Squat 3 x 20,15,10

DB RDL's x 8 reps

45 degree hyper or back ext. x 3 x 15 pausing each rep for a count in the contracted position.

20 minutes moderate cardio

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Today's Workout

DE BP Week #1

BP 55% or 1RM x 8 sets of 3 reps

A1. DB floor flyes x 10
A2. Dips x 10
X 3 rounds

Log Bar clean and press x 10,8,6

Barbell curl x 2 x 8-10

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Today's Workout

Chins supine grip x 3 x 10

Parallel grip chins x 3 x 8

Weighted chins x 3 x 6

A1. Seated rows x 3 x 15
A2. DB shugs for x 3 x 30 seconds

Kipping chins for max reps

20 minutes moderate cardio activity

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Years Resolutions?

We are inundated with ads in every major and minor media outlet on how to get in shape for the coming year. Follow this course, do this diet, buy this machine..... Does anybody really fall for this bullsh*t anymore? Absolutely! As PT Barnum said "there is a sucker born every minute" Fitness business is big business, and you need to keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out attitude when deciding to buy in. Here are a couple of tips-

1. Does it say it on the label? If a product promises in print ads that you will lose X amount of pounds by using it, is it in writing on the label- by law it has to. If not, buyer beware.

2. Is your personal trainer certified? That's great, but for how long? From who? Does he have insurance? Can he provide references? How long has he been training people- you get the idea. Alot of trainers are getting their credentials via online sources....not exactly "hands on" training, and some certifications cost alot and have no meat, yet when all the trainers leave the cert after 2 days....they all carry the same cert credential.

3. Are you thinking about purchasing some exercise equipment? Why buy new when used will do. Check the classifieds in your local paper and online. Look at your local Craigslist. Go to Play it again sports, but make sure you get a deal, many times they are asking too much for used equipment/weights. Don't get played....get it?

Starting or renewing your training vows is a terrific endeavor to undertake. Just find something you LIKE and LOOK FORWARD to doing. If you hate lifting weights, then dude or dudette- you probably won't. Find what turns you on and be consistent! Use some of the tips above and screw PT Barnum and be nobody's sucker!

Today's Workout

DE LB Wk #1

Elevated Trapbar DL Squat (stand on 4 inch platform) 50% of 1RM x 8 sets of 2 reps

DB Bulgarian Split Squats x 4 x 8+8

A1. 50 rep Barbell Wave Squats x 2
A2. KB swings x 25

Standing Ab pulldowns x 3 x 15

Jump rope for max time and record. How long can you go?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Today's Workout

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Countdown set consisting of:

DB or KB snatches alternating with 18-24" or higher Box jumps


20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Today's Workout

ME BP Week #1

2 Board BP for a 5RM, then take 80% of your 5RM and rep out and record. Have a spotter and stop when your form starts to break down.

DB floor press x 20,15,10, ascending loading pattern

Single arm KB press x countdown set of 8,6,4,2 each arm

Close grip BP with 1 chain each side x 3 x 5 reps, ascending loading patten

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Today's Workout

A.1 Snatch Grip High Pulls x 3 x 5
A2. BB Shrugs x 3 x 20

CS Barbell Row x 4 x 6

Parallel Grip Pulldown x 3 x 8


3 minutes high intensity cardio

30 seconds work, 10 seconds rest

Low box jump
MB Slam
Alternating ropes
Jump Rope
DB Turkish get up/sit up
3 rounds

3 minutes high intensity cardio

Monday, January 5, 2009

Today's Workout

ME Lower Body, Week #1
Deadlift emphasis

Sumo Deadlift or Conventional DL, warm up and then hit a 5RM

Take 80% of your 5RM and then rep that weight out (stop when form starts to break down)- record reps

Belt Squat for 2 sets of 10-15 reps or DB lunges for same

45 degree hyper or back extension for 2 sets of 15 under load (25-50lbs)

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Friday, January 2, 2009

Today's Workout

Deload Week!


Bench press x bodyweight for max reps x 3 sets with 4 minutes rest inbetween.

CS row x 3 x 10

DB curl and rotate into a shoulder press x 3 x 6

Dips x 3 x 20

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Today's Workout

Happy New Year!!!

Deload Week!


Barbell Squats 10 sets of 2 reps with 50% of your 1RM

RDL's x 3 x 8

2 way DB Lunge (3 lunges forward, 3 lunges back) x 3 x 6+6