Saturday, February 28, 2009

Today's Workout

Easy day...60 minutes moderate intensity cardio (60-70% THRZ)

Pick the, rower, stepper, run, break it up or all at once.

Friday, February 27, 2009


I want to thank President Obama and his ilk for coming up with the latest budget proposal. Giving from the "rich" and giving to the "poor"....gee that has never been tried before. Listen, my family is in the "rich" catagory....making over 250K. Know how that happened? WORKING OUR ASSES OFF! My parents, nor my wife's parents had any money to give us. We started out with loans and responsible debt and worked our way up to the income that we have now. We have 3 kids and a nice mansion- a 3 bedroom home. Our daughters share a bedroom. Tell me how it is fair that my wife and I work our asses off and are penalized for it? WTF is going on with our country??? If the primary goal is to create and keep jobs...then why would you go after and tax the hell out of small business owners, and those with the capital to start up new businesses?? Obama- have you talked to an economist? I suggest Ernie Goss (sp?) out of Creighton in Omaha, NE. Yours is a formula for disaster now and for our childrens future. And to those you take the governments handouts that are not in truly need.....GET OFF YOUR ASS! Since when is it guaranteed that you will have a home and a car when you grow up? Is this what your parents taught you?

Today's Workout

RE BP Week #2

3 minutes high intensity cardio airdyne/rower

Incline DB press 1/2 + 1 reps x 10 x 4 sets with 90 seconds rest between

Pendlay barbell rows x 6 x 4

Tabata mash ups

push ups

pull ups

20 seconds on /10 seconds off x 8 rounds.....record reps

DB curl and press x 2 x 10

Cable wood chop x 2 x 10 + 10

Thursday, February 26, 2009

How much do you love your kids?

Today's Workout

RE LB Week #2

3 minutes high intensity airdyne or rower

Barbell pause Squat with 1 chain each side of bar x 6 x 2 (60% of 1RM)

Leg extension x 3 x 15
Leg curl x 3 x 15

Trap Bar DL x 2 x 10 reps

TRX split lunge jumps x 3 x 25

Standing ab pulldowns x 2 x 15

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Today's Workout

20 power snatch (55/95)
20 knees to elbows
15 power snatch
15 knees to elbows
10 power snatch
10 knees to elbows
* power snatch can be done from floor, blocks, or hang

45 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Vertical Jump

Are you born with it? Or can you truly increase it with proper training?

Today's Workout

ME BP week #2

3 minutes airdyne x high intensity cardio

Barbell Floor Press, work up to a max set of 3, drop to 80% and perform max reps and record. Use spotters and stop set when form breaks down.

A1. Rope Pullups x 3 x max reps
A2. Alternating DB Incline press x 3 x 10

B1. Barbell hang clean and press x 10,8,6,4
B2. Seated cable row with thick handle x 10,8,6,4

Heavy barbell curls x 3 x 6

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio x 20 minutes

Monday, February 23, 2009

Today's Workout

ME LB Week #2
Deadlift emphasis

Sumo or Conventional Deadlift max set of 3, drop to 80% and perform max reps. Terminate set when form breaks down.

DB lunges x 10,8,6

A1. Windshield wipers x 95 x 20
A2. 2 hand KB swings x 70 x 15
2 rounds

6 minutes high intensity cardio with airdyne or rower

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Today's Workout

45 minutes moderate intensity cardio and foam roller work

Friday, February 20, 2009

NFL Combine time

The combine started yesterday. Check out all results at

Today's Workout

RE BP Week #1

3 mins high intensity airdyne/rower

Incline BP x 15,13,11,9

A1.Supine MB Toss x 5
A2. Dips x 5
A2. Plyo Pushups x 5
X 5 rounds

Pendlay Barbell Rows x 4 x 6 (ascending loading)

DB rolling Tricep extensions x 3 x 10

4 position plank holds for 45 seconds each (r&l side, front, back) x 2 rounds

20 minutes low intensity cardio

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Funny Stuff!

Today's Workout

DE LB Week #1

3 minutes high intensity cardio or airdyne or rower

Box Jumps, increase height with each set- x 4 x 5

Barbell pause Squat with 1 chain on each side x 8 sets of 2 reps

Barbell RDL x 3 x 6

A1. Ab pulldowns with twist to right and left x 20 total
A2. Reverse hyper x 15
X 3 rounds

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Today's Workout

Neck curls 25 x 20 x 3

A1. Abmat situps x 25
A2. KTE's x 25
x 3 rounds for time

45 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Jump rope for as long as possible....record time

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pure Gold

Today's Workout

ME BP Week #1

Barbell Floor Press, Max set of 5 reps, drop to 80% and perform max reps. As always terminate when form goes and for gods sake, use spotter bars.

A1. Seated Cable row x 15,13,11
A2. Dips x 15,12,11 (add load)

3 way db laterals x 7+7+7 x 3 rounds

B1. Abmat situps x 25 (add load)
B2. DB sidebends x 15 (add load)

Treadmill runs, 10% grade @ 3-5 mph x 30 seconds on, 1 min off x 10 rounds

Cush or Crabtree?

Cush walks the walk....Crabtree talks the talk. Time will tell.

Today's Workout

ME LB Week#1 Deadlift emphasis

Sumo or Conventional Rack pulls pin #1 in crepisek rack or 4 " off floor
Max set of 5, followed by 80% for max reps. As always, terminate set when form goes.

DB lunges x 10,8,6

A1. Standing ab pulldowns 2 x 15
A2. 2 hand KB or DB swing 2 x 15

6 minutes high intensity airdyne or rower or stationary bike

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Today's Workout

RE LB Week #3

Jump rope 1:1 x 5 rounds

Trap bar deadlift x 3 x 10

BB RDL's x 3 x 6

Banded Lunges x 3 x 10+10

20 minute moderate intensity cardio

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Today's Workout

ME BP Week #3

Bench Press, work up to a single rep (RM), then drop to 80% and perform amrap stopping when form breaks down and using spotters or spotter racks.

KB single arm OHP x 5,4,3,2,1

100 dips in as few sets as possible

20 minutes moderate cardio

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Whatever happen to INSTONE?

Today's Workout

3 mins Airdyne/rower high intensity

CS DB rows x 3 x 6-8

A1. MB Slams x 10
A2. Parallel grip pullups x 10
4 rounds

Seated Cable row x 2 x 20

KTE's x 3 x 20

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Monday, February 9, 2009

Today's Workout

ME LB Week #3

Chain suspended barbell squats, above parallel, work up to a single ME, then drop to 80% of that effort and perform amrap, stop when form begins to break down.

Conventional DL pulls 60% of your 1RM for 8 singles with 60 seconds between

Standing ab pulldowns x 3 x 15

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Rest Day!

Enjoy your Sunday off! I will be splitting time between two volleyball tourneys played in by my two wonderful daughters. Proud of my son yesterday as he has amassed 187 points (avg 16.6 per game) for (one) of his basketball teams. All this and good grades....I am truly blessed and I hope you are too.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Pullups without a spotter!

Today's Workout

PowerCleans from below the knee: do one rep, rest 1 minutes, do 2 reps, rest 1 minute,etc...Perform this rep scheme of

DB Rows x 3 x 6+6

Kipping pullups x 2 x 30

A1. High cable chops x 3 x 10+10
A2. Stability ball "rollouts" from the knees x 3 x 15

20 minute moderate intensity cardio

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Today's Workout

RE LB Week #2

Barbell Reverse Lunge with Bar held in the racked position
4 x 8+8

Single leg Stability ball leg curl x 4 x 6+6

KB Clean and Front Squat combo x 2 x 10+10

Abmat situps plus 50lb DB x 3 x 10-15

20 minutes moderate cardio

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Light Weight Baby!

Today's Workout

ME BP Week #2

Reverse Band BP (use green jumpstretch bands) Max set of 3, drop to 80% and hit max reps.

DB eccentric flyes and transition into a db flat press x 3 x 8

Ring dips x 2 x max reps

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kipping Pullups!

There is ALOT of information on the web on how to perform/how to coach the kipping pullup. Is it a strength Do nothing but kips and see how you do when performing regular or weighted chins/ will be weak and will have to fight the urge to throw your hips to "kip up" the load. Does that mean I do not like kips? No! Kips are a blast and provide a great "power" type move to use as a metcon workout addition or as a stand alone exercise. The problem that I am seeing on the net (especially with many crossfit videos) is that the kip is breaking down into a "leg swing/chin stab at the bar" move. Many of these vids are being posted by crossfit games contenders or seminar attendees. It looks like the "chest to the bar" standard is out the window, but really the kip is not that hard to get right. Don't worry about your time....get the exercise right. Have a powerful kip, chin over the bar, and then have a purposeful, controlled eccentric (not slow, but controlled!) and set up for the next rep. These goofy videos of trainees performing something that "looks like someone doing the worm" on a chinning bar have got to stop.

Today's Workout

A1. Parallel grip chins with vest (20lb) x 4 x 6-8
A2. MB slams (20lb) x 4 x 30 seconds

Snatch grip barbell shrug pulls x 4 x 5

TRX supine rows x 3 x 15

Neutral grip jumpstretch band curls x 2 x 45 seconds

Monday, February 2, 2009

Today's Workout

ME LB Squat emphasis Week#2

Chain suspended Squat (set bar just above parallel)
Max set of 3, drop to 80% and perform max number of reps

Conventional DL's x 60% of 1RM x 8 singles

45 degree hyper x 2 x 15-20 (use additional load)

20 minutes moderate cardio

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Rest Day!

Enjoy the Super Bowl...congrats to the Pittsburgh Steelers on number 6!