Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Paul Chek in action

Agree with him or disagree, Paul has been on the cutting edge for quite sometime now. I remember his first articles in Muscle Media 2000, and his bits for powerlifter video magazine. Paul put the cable woodchop and swissballs/stabilityballs on the map. Unlike a few of the new "gurus" Paul still gets after it and looks the part of someone who can "walk the walk."

Today's Workout

Wk #1 ME BP

3 minutes HIT on bike or rower

Barbell Floor Press, work up to a 5RM, then take 80% and do reps, not quite failure...leave 1 or 2 in the tank.

Weighted pullups x 3 x 9,7,5

Dips x 100 reps in as few sets as possible

A1. Military press with DB's or BB x 15,13,11
A2. Fat bar curls x 15,13,11
with as little rest as possible

Tabata jump rope (20 second work/10 rest) x 16 rounds

Monday, March 30, 2009

Today's Workout

Wk # 1 LB ME Squat emphasis

3 minutes high intensity cardio

Barbell Squat x 5RM, drop to 80% and do max reps, be safe and record number.

Barbell step ups (12") x 5 x 5

Reverse hyper x 2 x 20

Low intensity cardio for 24 minutes

Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Break!!

will return to blogging next week!

Today's Workout

Deload Wk #2

3 minutes high intensity cardio

A1. Weighted chins x 5
A2. Incline Press x 5
x 4 rounds

B1. Ring dips x 15,13,11,9
B2. DB CS rows x 8
x 4 rounds

C1. Push press x 5
C2. BB curls x 10
as many rounds as possible in 7 minutes

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Today's Workout

3 minutes high intensity cardio

A1. Treadmill side steppers @ 10 degrees @ 2.5mph x 1 min (R&L)
A2. TRX plyo jumps x 10
X 3 rounds

Trapbar DL's 4 sets of 6-8 reps

Barbell squats x 4 sets of 10 with 60 seconds rest between each set

45 degree hyper x 100 reps in as few sets as possible

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Ropes are the latest fitness tool. I got a set from artofstrength.com for christmas and have had some fun using them. Multiple applications and for the traveling trainer, most ropes are transportable.....you just need some open floor space to use them. My clients got a kick out of them, and for most, making training fun is what it is all about (I know, I know, no pain no gain....yeah, tell your insurance carrier). You can purchase a set, or find some old fire hose, or again be creative and see what's available at a local farm implement store. Again, are ropes necessary for your fitness program...probably not. They won't grow hair, or help with your ED, nor make your teeth whiter, but they are a cool addition to any trainer or trainees arsenal.

Today's Workout

For Time-
50 MB slams
50 KB swings
50 Abmat situps
50 back extensions

30-40 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Classic Mike Mentzer

Today's Workout

Deload Wk #2 MONDAY

3 minutes high intensity cardio

Safety Squat bar squats 4 x 10

Conventional DL 5 x 10

1 mile run (avg pace)

Deload Wk #2 TUESDAY

3 minute high intensity cardio

BP x 4 x 10
BB rows x 4 x 8
100 dips
100 pullups
Seated KB seesaw press x 2 x 12

12 minutes medium intensity cardio

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Rest Day!

Rest and recover....I will be watching my kids in volleyball and basketball.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Today's Workout

Week #2 of periodized "Grace"
Crossfit.com wod- grace = 30 reps of c&j with 135

Today use 115lbs x 30 and record time

A1. Low Wood chops x 10 + 10
A2. MB jackknife x 10
x 3 rounds

40 minutes moderate intensity cardio......remember...burn calories!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Today's Workout

Deload Week

3 minutes jump rope

A1. Barbell rows x 5 x 5
A2. Incline DB 1&1/2 press x 5 x 5

# rounds for time-

MB cross plyo pushup x 10
MB slam x 10
Pullups x 10

Abmat situps amrap in 2 minutes

3 minutes jump rope

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Today's Workout

Deload Week


3 minutes high intensity airdyne/rower

Sumo Deadlift (60%RM) x 5x5

Barbell Step-ups (12"step) x 5x5+5

2 Hand KB swings x 3 x 15

20 minutes moderate cardio

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Today's Workout

DB Complex

DB Lunge 5+5
DB snatch 5+5
Single leg box jump (12") 5+5
3 rounds

Boys-35lbs Girls-20lbs

20 minutes moderate intensity cardio

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Today's Workout

Deload Week

A1. Suspended pushups x 3 x max reps
A2. TRX supine rows x 3 x max reps

Kettlebell clean and press x 3 x 10,8,6

Rope climbs x 3 x max 5

Cable woodchops x 2 x 10+10

Monday, March 9, 2009

Today's Workout

Deload Week

Barbell Squats x 3 sets of 10 reps with 50-60% 1RM

Stability ball unilateral leg curls x 3 sets of 10 +10

12" box jumps x 30 seconds/30 seconds off x 5 rounds

DB 1/2 get ups x 10+10 x 3 sets

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Rest Day!

Have an original thought while cooking today!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Today's Workout

Crossfit's Grace, but here's the catch- we are going to do this workout cycled over three weeks.

Week 1- use 95x 30 for time
Week 2- use 115x30 for time
Week 3- use 135 x 30 for time

Let's see what happens.

Start with week 1 today.

Follow with 40 minutes moderate intensity cardio.

Friday, March 6, 2009

UFC Beast

Fighting this weekend....Good Luck!

Today's Workout

RE BP Week#3

3 minutes high intensity cardio, airdyne/rower

A1. DB flye/press x 10 (lower db eccentrically, curl in to sides, press up, repeat)
A2. Dips x max reps
X 3 rounds

Barbell push press x 5 x 5

Barbell rows x 5 x 5

Plank hold for max time.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Today's Workout

RE LB Week #3

3 minutes high intensity cardio airdyne/rower

A1. Sidestep on treadmill @ 10 degrees @ 2.5mph x 1 minute on/off
A2. TRX plyo jumps x 10, switching stance from narrow, athletic, wide
X 4 rounds

Barbell Pause squats with 1 chain each side x 75% 1RM x 6 sets of 2

B1. Leg extension x 3 x 15
B2. Standing leg curl x 3 x 15

Trapbar deadlift x 2 x 10

Tornado ball seated chops x 2 x 100

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Old School

Today's Workout

45-60 minutes moderate intensity cardio.

Stretch with jumpstretch band.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Today's Workout

ME BP Week#3

Incline Rack Press. Set spotting bars 1 inch above chest. Hit a max, drop to 80% and do a max rep set.

Parallel grip chin x 1. Start with bodyweight and add weight, do a chin, add again until max. Rest 1 minute inbetween attempts.

A1. 1 1/2 DB BP x 10
A2. CS rox x 10
X 3 rounds

Barbell hang clean and press x 3 sets of 8 reps

Reverse crunch on abmat x amrap in 2 minutes

Monday, March 2, 2009

Today's Workout

ME LB Week#3
Deadlift emphasis

Sumo or Conventional Rack DL pin #1 max effort today, then take 80% of that number and perform 1 max rep set. As always, terminate set when form breaks.

DB lunges 3 x 6

TRX plyo jumps x 10
KB swing x 20
x 3 rounds

Abmat situps amap in 2 minutes.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rest Day!

Tennis tryouts on Monday! Go Alex!