Sunday, October 7, 2007

October 7, 2007 MetCon Day

Tabata Jumprope for 16 minutes

CrossFit's WOD "J.T."

Handstand push-ups
Ring Dips
Push ups

21-15-9 for time.

Handstand push-ups down to 2 dynadisks, everything else as rx'd.

Time- 7:59

Ordered my Buddy Lee Jumpropes tonight. Got one for myself and one for the kids, can't wait to try it out.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

October 6, 2007 ME Day

Ok, originally I had planned to do a heavy squat day today, but I talked myself into trying the WOD on the PerformanceMenu site. Big mistake. First, back was a little sore from yesterday. I had to haul all my bumpers, chalk, etc..upstairs into the garage- pain in the *ss. Snatches were slow and did not have any "pop". Hit myself in the head with just 165, decided to call it quits on maxing on the snatch and c&j and try to salvage the day and do what I should have done in the first place- squats. After dragging everything back downstairs I hit exactly the weights I needed to do today-

BB Sqt 134/10 225/3 275/1 315/1 335/5 355/5 370/5

I knew that I should have stuck with my plan, but I enjoyed the PM workout so much yesterday I was tempted to try another one today. It was not a bad WOD on the PM site, but it was bad for a me- a 46 year old guy with marginal recooperative(sp?) powers. Will I repeat this mistake again- probably.

Friday, October 5, 2007

October 5, MetCon Day Plus

Today I did the PerformanceMenu WOD. This is a great WOD site that began on October 1, and can be found here-

You can also subscribe to the PerformanceMenu online journal from this address, which if you have not done already- do so today.

Hang Power clean and Jerk 5x2 with 60% of last C&J max (used 155) Rest 60 sec. between sets.
Snatch Balance- worked up to 170/2 2 minutes rest between sets.
Max pull-ups (did these from deadhang) 12,10,7 2 minutes rest between sets.

3 rounds for time-
25 double unders
10 one arm dumbell split snatches (used 40lb db)
10 GHR Situps
Time- 10:15

October 4, 2007 Rest Day

Rest day today.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

October 3, MetCon Day

Today's MetCon workout template is courtesy of Coach Rut. He has a great blogspot at
Original workout called for 12 pullups, but I am all pullup'd out. I went with bodyweight bench presses for 12 reps instead.
3 rounds for time of-

400M run
21 Ball slams (20lb MB)
12 reps of bodyweight bench press (195lb)

Time- 11:57

As a side note, this month's CrossFit journal (October 07) is very good. I especially liked the article by Lon Kilgore on specialization. Excellent read. Check it out here-

Free issue is located here

Protect Your Children

Somber post, but one worth writing. Protect your children. Trust no coach/teacher/mentor with their safety if they will be put in a situation where they will be alone with this individual and not with a group or have other adults/parents present. This is from our local media, and yes - I knew who this guy was because I had lifted in several of his meets.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

October 2 2007 ME day Deadlift

ME day, started with a clean grip deadlift

245/1 295/1 345/1 395/1 425/1 Stopped here. The last time I took a single was in July, and pulled 410. DL strength slowly coming back.

Steel Log clean and press
One clean and one press on each rep
130/3+3 x 3 150/2+2 x 2 170/1+1

3 Rounds for time:
50M sprint
10 box jumps (24" box)
20 cross chops with 16K kettlebell (10+10 each side)
Time- 5:01
* this final metcon came from Greg Everett Performance Menu site. He is now doing a WOD, and has some good ideas.

October 1, 2007 MetCon and Power Snatch Work

Power Snatch from Blocks (above knee) 95/5 x 2 115/3 135/2 145/2 150/2 155/2 160/2

Modified "Cindy" Only had 10 as many rounds in 10 minutes.

5 pull-up
10 push-ups
15 squats

12 rounds in 10 minutes.

September 30, 2007 Rest Day

These are becoming all to common....

Saturday, September 29, 2007

September 29, 2007 MetCon Day

Abmat situps holding 2 DB's overface and sitting up with them x 4 x 10
Core Rotations with one end of an olympic bar x 4 x 15 per side

CrossFit's "Nicole"
As many rounds in 20 minutes of-
400M run and Max rep sets of pullups
Pullup #'s 26,23,17,18,13 for a total of 97 reps

5 rounds + 1 400M run.

I think I was running 800M to start but I cannot be sure. No one told me there would be any math involved.

Friday, September 28, 2007

September 28, 2007 ME & MetCon Day

Took a rest yesterday....Parent teacher conferences and daughters VB game, sons football practice, all know the drill. Today I decided to hit a Max effort and mix in a Heavy MetCon workout. Inspired by the last 2 days of overhead jerk videos on the CrossFit main website, and knowing that the jerk is something I need to work on- that is what I chose for today. Went up to 240, then dropped to 205 for some form work. Next up I did Powercleans from the floor with bodyweight (195) and Ringdips with a 20lb vest. Ascending and descending reps for time. Nearly killed me. MetCon tomorrow.

Behind the neck jerks- 95/3 115/3 135/3 185/1 205/1 225/1 235/1 240/1 205/3X3

Powercleans from the floor- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Ring dips with 20lb vest- 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Time- 18:10

Thursday, September 27, 2007

September 26, 2007 Rest Day

Rest day today, but could not resist to do a run today, Did a 5K run on the treadmill (actually came to 5.5 with warm-up and cooldown). This was performed at about 70% effort with a time around 33:00? Afterwards hit the foam roller. I start with the lowerbody and work my up, at about 5-10 rolls per body area. Stretched Hammies to finish up.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

September 25, 2007 MetCon Day

Part 1
Hang Power Snatch (95lbs)
DB Core Rows (50lb DB's)
Sit-ups on AbMat
21-15-9 reps

Time- 13:51

Part 2
KB unilateral press (70lbKB) 1+1, 2+2, 3+3, 4+4, 5+5
Chins with 20lb vest 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5

Monday, September 24, 2007

September 24, 2007 ME Day

Took a couple of unscheduled days off. Too many sports activities and homework. Got back on track today with an ME workout. Time for Barbell back squats for 5 sets of 3, followed by a combination lift of front squats and power jerks, performing 1 front squat followed by 1 jerk, repeat 2 more times before racking the barbell. Workout looked like this-

BB Squats 135/5 185/5 225/5 295/3 315/3 335/3 355/3 375/3

FrontSquat/Power Jerk 95/3+3 115/3+3 135/3+3 155/3+3 175/3+3

Friday, September 21, 2007

September 21, 2007 MetCon Day

400M Run
Unilateral DB Floor Press (85lbDB) x 10+10
Barbell Pendlay Rows (205lb) x 5
5 Rounds
Time- 23:53

Not a barn burner, but a nice solid effort. ME tomorrow.

September 20, 2007 Rest Day

Did nothing, except work, and get the kids to their games ontime. MetCon tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

September 19, 2007 MetCon Day

Kind of a weak Metcon workout tonight. Feeling pretty beat up from the last 2 days, so did some rounds for time.

Lunging horizontal press x 150/10+10
Reverse Lunge horizontal pull x 150/10+10
= 1 round, did 5 rounds in 12:37
Used a single cable set-up with my TRX unit.

5 Pike push-ups with "perfect push-up" handles (nose to floor) x 5
5 L-sit ring pull-ups
1 minute jump rope
= 1 round, did 5 rounds in 10:05

It was hard to maintain intensity and a good time, when trying to perform this workout and watch UFC Fight Night Live!

Reading Suggestion.....

Just got a copy of Robert Dos Remedios (2006 NSCA Strength Coach of The Year) new book, Power Training. Just flipping through it-looks pretty good. Has some solid programming suggestions and alot of exercise ideas/variations for you to implement into your own program or your clients. Really like the section on olympic lifting combinations, as Coach Dos is a big olympic lift guy. I also like the fact that he believes in short duration, high intensity, and performance based training over bodybuilding type protocols. His blogspot is located at Check it out.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

September 18, 2007 ME Day

Clean grip DL's
245/10 325/5 345/5 365/5

Snatch grip pulls from the floor with chains (total of 40lbs*)
95/5* 115/5* 135/5*

Trying to switch up with 5 sets of 3 on one dl day and the following go with 3 sets of 5, trying to slowly increase load while maintaining good lumbar position on pulls.

Short and sweet. Here is an old photo of the last powerlifting competition I lifted in. 2001 USAPL Midwest Senior States.

September 17, 2007 MetCon Day

Run 1 mile @ 5mph

Crossfits "Fran" as Rx'd
Time- 6:15 PR, former time was 7:05

Run 1 mile @ 5mph

That last mile felt like I had concrete in my running shoes! Was absolutely shot from the fran, but felt like I could have even done a better time if I would have pushed a little harder....Next Time!!!

September 16, 2007 Rest Day

Took a rest day today. Full of grief over the Huskers *ss whippng, and then my daughters team took a beatin' and to follow that up my son's football team went down to 2 and 1. We will all regroup and return!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

September 15, 2007 "Go Huskers"

MetCon day today. First did the Crossfit WOD, 5 sets of 3 on the power clean then went and did what I had scheduled, CrossFit's "Michael"- 3 rounds of 800M run, 50 back extensions and 50 sit-ups.

PC's- 95/3 115/3 135/3 185/3 205/3 225/3

Michael- 21:15 New PR (old time 22:43)
This was the first time since starting Metcon type training that I ended up flat on my back. Felt good just to lay there for awhile. Now that I am finished it is time to watch the Huskers go up against USC. Pictured is our current QB Sam Keller and a possible future Husker. Go Big Red!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

September 14, 2007 ME Day "Jerk Werk"

TRX Body Row 15,13,11,9,7,5
Decline "Perfect Push-ups" 5,7, 9,11,13,15
* Wore 20lb vest Time- 7:56

Rack Jerks
95/7 135/3 155/1 175/1 185/1 205/1x5 sets 225/1 x 3 230/x

My jerk is horrible. It always has been weak. I know what I am doing wrong. I know anatomically what misgivings I have. Dan John's latest newsletter described a couple of jerk exercises that I am going to try and see what happens. This one involves setting the racks at about the point that you would drop under the jerk, which is what you do. Stand up with the weight and align feet as if finishing a jerk, then open stance and overhead squat the weight back down to the pins. Hopefully the photos will help. Went easy on this, from doing this I realize that I am not pushing myself underneath the weight enough.

135/3 155/3 175/3 195/3

September 13, 2007 Rest Day

Unscheduled rest day. Day was too hectic, and throughly enjoyed watching my daughter play volleyball tonight. Do ME tomorrow and follow with a MetCon and get back on track. This is her performing a "backset". She is a hardworking "CrossFitter" and will post some of her workouts when the season is over.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

September 12, 2007 MetCon Day KB C&P and Chin-ups

Today's workout was inspired by the latest newsletter from Coach Dan John ( His newsletter is free and is one of the best, check it out. This ended up being more of a Max effort, using the heaviest KB that I have plus an extra 25lbs of added resistance for my chin-ups. Did 3 clean and presses on right, 3 on left, then did 3 chin-ups. Looked like this-

70lbKB C&P x 3r, 3l
3 Chin-ups with 25lbs.
= 1 round

Did 10 rounds in 20 minutes.

Could have pushed it more, but really wanted to keep my form tight on both movements and try not to "push" on the presses or "kip" on the chin-ups. Great workout.

September 11, Rest Day and Reflection

Today was a scheduled rest day and I took it. Just walked 30 minutes on T-mill @ 4mph to try and workout some of the soreness from the last few days. Remember where you were on this day? Who will ever forget. My wife had the day off and we were just leaving the school after walking our kids there. Parents were asking "had you seen the TV?" A plane had just ran into the World Trade Centers. We, like most thought it was a terrible mistake made by the pilot of a small plane. We watched in horror as the events unfolded on FOX news. The world will never be the same. Pray for our soldiers and the families that were directly effected by the events that changed history that day.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 10, 2007 MetCon Day "Fight Gone Bad"

CrossFit workout "Fight Gone Bad" today. This is a tough workout. Had to set it up in the garage, nice cool day today so that was a perk. Working by myself is tough because I am resetting the counter, recording my numbers, etc.. probably a little ugly per CrossFit standards. The rower that I have in the garage does not have a functioning counter, so I just rowed hard for time. The workout consists of 5 stations @ 1 minute each, with a 1 minute rest after completing the 5 stations (1 round). Perform 5 rounds and record total number of reps/ total calories on rower.

Wm up
2 minutes treadmill @4mph with KB turkish get-ups with 16kg. 3 rounds with the GU's 10+10.

Fight Gone Bad
Wall Ball (20lb dynamax) 30, 30, 24
SHDP (75) 19,16,15
Box Jump (24") 19,14,15
Push Press (75) 24,20,21
Row Time *
Total reps 247

Sunday, September 9, 2007

September 9, 2007 ME Day

Maximum effort Day! I hate doing overhead squats. They kill my shoulders, and when training in the basement a bailout could lead to disaster. I did them anyway. What does Coach Burgener say about doing the things that you suck at...they usually make you better. Went with one power snatch from the hang to get the bar into place and then performed X number of OHS's to a 20lb Dynamax ball.

60/1+10 95/1+5 135/1+5 x 3 sets

Finished with Barbell squats for sets of 5

135/5 225/5 315/5 365/5

Squats are feeling much better. Using a belt only and my neoprene sleeves. Stopped back squatting in my weightlifting shoes...puts the stress back into my posterior where it needs to be.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

September 8, 2007 MetCon Day

Did not really have the workout bug today. Went with something fun.

30 Muscle ups for time. Used my harness to give me a little help at the bottom. Consists of a blue jumpstretch band choked over the top of my chinning bar with the other end clipped to a climbing harness worn backwards. Works well. Last time used both a blue and green, this time a blue band only.

Time- 14:35

Tabata Jumprope- 16 mins.

September 7, 2007 Rest Day

Scheduled rest day but could not resist at least walking on the treadmill.

4mph for 60:00

Nice easy walk.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

September 6, 2007 MetCon Day

MetCon day and did the WOD from the CrossFit website today-
Warm-up and mobility drills

2 Board BP 135/10 x 2 sets 185/5 205/5 225/5 250/4
* Performed 10 scarecrows inbetween each working set with 100lbs.

CrossFit's "Helen"
400M run
21 KB swings (50)
12 pullups

Old time- 12:30 New time- 11:33

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

September 5, 2007 ME Day

BB Overhead Press
Did these in a cluster fashion. Do a rep, add weight..etc.. until the 3 reps are achieved. Rested 3 minutes between clusters.

45/15 95/10 (145,155,165) (150,160,170) (155,165,175)

Clean grip jump shrugs in rack (#3) 205/3 x 3 sets

September 4, 2007 MetCon Day

Warm-up 1 mile on treadmill @ 5mph watching "Dog- The Bounty Hunter"

This workout was posted on the CrossFit Santa Cruz website. Added a little extra by wearing a 20lb vest through the whole workout-

5 1 1/2 bodyweight DL (295)
5 Ring Dips
5 Box Jumps (24")

Rounds in 20 minutes- 7

September 3, 2007 Rest Day

Rest day, but took the wife to do one of those "adventure" type out circuits. Felt it was a waste of time, running from one station to the next, some of the stations felt like they were going to fall apart! Well the weather was great, and it felt good to get outside.

September 2, 2007 MetCon Day

Started with Pendlay (sp?) rows. Not sure why these are named as they are, seem to remember multiple variations of this movement being done over the years. This type of barbell row requires that you start the rowing motion from a dead start from the floor.

95/10 145/10 x 3 sets

MetCon workout was a variation of a Coach Rut workout-

DB push jerks (40's) x 20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2
KTE's x 2,4,6, 8,10,12,14,16,18,20

Time- 10:37 (11:57)

Saturday, September 1, 2007

September 1, 2007 ME Day Front Squats w/ Chains

KB swing snatch
50/5+5 70/5+5 x 5 sets

Front Squat with 40lbs of chain each side of bar (80lbs @ top)*
95*/5 135*/5 185*/5 205*/3 225*/2

Tabata Jump rope for 16 minutes

Had planned to do back squats, but I had not done fronts in a while- so went with the fronts and added some chains for a twist. Chains make you fight like a mutha to stand up at the top. Met Con tomorrow.

Friday, August 31, 2007

August 31, 2007 Met Con Day

Started out with some Pre-hab and Warm-up:
GHR Sit-ups 25/25 x 3 sets
Scarecrows 95/10 x 3 sets

Performed the workout that was the video of the day from the website. Power "Elizabeth" Powercleans with 135 and Ring dips for 21-15-9

Time 8:40

ME tomorrow. Probably heavy squats.

August 30, 2007 Rest Day

Once again, a Rest day turns into a 5K run.
Ran on Treadmill, Time 25:30
Couple of water breaks (sip of water and get right back to run) so not an official time

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

August 29, 2007 Arthur Jones RIP

Just read that Arthur Jones has passed away at the age of 80. I had the pleasure of going to his "compound" for a seminar in Deland/Ocala back in the early 80's. the Compound had an airstrip with a waiting plane, Gorillas in glass pens, it was like a scene out of a James Bond movie. Sat on the bus next to Wayne Wescott (noted exercise physiologist) and his wife. Ray and Mike Mentzer were there doing a book with Boyer Coe. Ellington Darden showed me the proper way to use the new Nautilus Ab machine. Arthur was doing a study with twins and exercise at the time. You would see one twin girl that had normal musculature, and another twin girl who was fairly muscular- it was a bizarre world, but I was fortunate enough to get a glimspe of it. Rest in peace Mr. Jones.

August 29, 2007 MetCon Day

MetCon Day-
Started with Atomic Sit-ups with a 16lb DBall (Courtesy of GymJones site)
3 x 20 2 minutes rest inbetween

Rest 5 Minutes

10 MB Cleans
10 Burpees
7 rounds for time
Time- 17:37

This workout was the video of the day on the site. It was done at the Valencia Cert and all reps were to be done with strict form. Sloppy reps were thrown out- as it should be. I am going to the cert in November, so I wanted to see if I could hang....with a 17:37 time, I hung- but by the time I would have finished most participants would have left for lunch!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

August 28, 2007 Sad News

Just got an email from USA Weightlifting informing it's members that our executive director Rodger DeGarmo had passed away today. Seems that he was on a business trip and was found in his hotel room and was unable to be revived. I knew Rodger when he was a strength coach for Nebraska and our state USAW director. He was a solid guy, who was passionate about his profession and the sport of WLing, so much so after he left Nebraska a few years later he ends up as the executive director of the USAW. Rodger was a young man. Thoughts and prayers go out to his wife and children.

August 28, 2007 ME Day Power Cleans

Ok, this workout reminds me of something I tell my kids all the time when it comes to sports or life in general...sometimes you are the hammer, and sometimes you are the nail. Today I was a nail. I could tell right away that the weight did not "pop" when it was supposed to. I tried to salvage, yet used what is left of my brain and shut it down. Ended up with this:

PC's from the floor-
45/10 95/5 135/5 155/1 175/1 185/1 205/1 225/X 205/5 215/3

When I missed the 225 twice, I knew something was wrong. I had just PC'd and Front Squatted this as a combo lift for a double. Went back down to 205 and did 5 and felt I could have done many more. 215 felt OK, but still wasn't "there"- Here is where I pulled the plug. MetCon tomorrow, see what happens.

Monday, August 27, 2007

August 27, 2007 MetCon Day 30 Muscle Ups

Did 30 Muscle ups for time today. These muscle ups are scaled via 2 jumpstretch bands and a climbing harness. I will try and post a photo so this makes sense. Time- 15:40
Followed up with another Tabata jump rope session for 16 minutes.
ME tomorrow. Power Cleans in the garage.

August 26, 2007 Rest Day

Felt really beat up today. Tomorrow is my scheduled rest day, but I will rest today and hit a MetCon tomorrow.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

August 25, 2007 ME Day

ME Day today.

Standing Overhead press-
95/5 115/5 135/5 155/3 165/3 175/2 180/1 185/1

Then went outside and performed-
Walking lunges with a barbell in the racked position.
45/10 95/5+5 X 5 sets

Still sore from yesterdays Met Con workout. May need a day rest tomorrow.

Friday, August 24, 2007

August 24, MetCon Day CrossFits "Tabata Something Else"

First time for this. 32 Intervals of 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest. 8 intervals of pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups (abmat), and squats. Tally total number of reps. First performed the tabata protocol using the jumprope as a warm-up. Maybe this was too much, because even though this was my first time doing this workout....I thought my number would have been alittle higher...ended up with a total of 336. Right knee still sore. Tomorrow will be an ME day.

August 23, 2007 Rest Day

Rest day, but still did 40 minutes on the treadmill @ 5mph. No big deal, but I have some right knee pain that I need to keep an eye on. MetCon tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August 22, Met Con Day plus

Started with a little ME work....not really Max effort- just used this as a warm-up for the Met Con work to follow. Shoulder felt OK, but still pretty weak. Need to do more weighted chins/pullups- these felt really heavy.

2 Board BP
225/5 235/5 245/5
Weighted pullups
35/5 45/5 55/5

SDHP and Push Jerks
using 75lbs for both
Time: 4:54

This workout was taken from the CrossFit site. It was from a video performed by one of the trainers at Santa Cruz but I scaled it considerably. Original called for reps of 21-18-15-12-9-6...something like that. I wimped out and went with the "Fran" like rep count. Still worked fairly well and good way to work form on the push jerks. Probably do some running on my rest day tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

August 21, 2007 ME Day

Prehab and Warm-up for pulls:
Scare Crows 60/10 70/10 80/10 90/10
Power Snatch from Blocks 45/10 95/5 115/5 135/5

Clean grip DL- 3 sets of 5 last workout so...
245/3 295/3 325/3 345/3 365/3

Good lifts. I have got to maintain that lordotic curve or else. Temptation is there to just "pull away"but must lift within limits of keeping that back position or I will aggrevate my lower back. Good lesson to all. If you are not sure about your DL form...ask a coach to take a look at what you are doing. Tomorrow back to a MetCon.

Monday, August 20, 2007

August 20, 2007 MetCon Day "CrossFit" Santa Cruz WOD

Kids are off to school today! Celebrated by picking a WOD off the web. Thank you to CrossFit Santa Cruz for the following.

How many rounds in 20 minutes?
5 Ring Dips
5 HSPU's
5 single leg squats or "pistol's" (right and left)

Did 13 rounds and started with an 800m run (6:51) and ended with another 800m run (4:24). Nice workout to start out the week. Looks like I will do a ME day tomorrow and try and get back on track!

August 19, 2007 Rest Day

Today became an unscheduled rest day. School starts tomorrow and I had to make sure that the kids had everything they needed before starting the big day. This year is unique, because my wife and I will have a child in each level of the public school system (elementary, middle, and high school). This should be a wild year! Our kids put in some hard workouts this summer, just like their dad- doing a mix of metabolic conditioning workouts and maxiumum effort strength work. I will elaborate more on their training in an upcoming post- as well as how it will evolve now that they are "in-season".

Saturday, August 18, 2007

August 18, 2007 ME Day HPC+FS+PJ and CrossFit's "Grace"

ME Day and went with a workout inspired by Coach Rut's Dumbell Moves III DVD.
3 Hang Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks


Then dropped down to:

2 Hang Power Cleans
2 Front Squats


Finished off with CrossFit's "Grace" C&J with 135lbs for 30 reps
Time- 6:05.....Happy with this, old time was 7:50
First 20 were sloppy, cleaned it up for the final 10.

Friday, August 17, 2007

August 17, 2007 CrossFit's WOD "Michael"

800M Run
50 Back Extensions
50 Situps
For 3 rounds

As RX'd with the exception that I use an AbMat with the situps, time was 22:43. This is not too bad since I was forced to perform it late at night. Next time I will push the first 2 800's as hard as I did on the last one. ME tomorrow, probably go to the garage and hit some Cleans/Snatches. This should be possible since the temp is finally below 100 for a change.

August 16, 2007 Rest Day

Once again, a dreaded day of rest.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

August 15, 2007 Runs and Dumbs!

How many rounds in 20 minutes of a 400m run and Max rep DB benches....Sound familar CrossFitters?? A barbell bench just kills my shoulders so I choose to use the DB's.

400M Run
DB BP (85's) x 13,11,10,7,6

5 Rounds in 20 minutes. This was a blast....try it.

August 14, 2007 ME Day

Squats and Scaled Muscle ups!! My scaled muscle ups consist of going thru the motions starting with the feet on the floor and transitioning into a ring dip....someday I will be able to do one of these things. Squats felt good. Stopped a 3 reps on 365 because form was breaking a little....have got to stay healthy. Did the squats and followed with the MU's. Rest 2 minutes between each round.

Squats 45/10 95/10 135/10 225/5 275/5 325/5 365/3
Scaled Muscle ups x 5 reps each

August 13, 2007 CrossFit's Helen

400M Run
21 KB Swings w 50lbs
12 Pull ups

Time: 12:30

Though still no record breaker, I did shave over 2 minutes off this from the last time I performed it.

August 12, 2007 Rest day/Lifecycle

Did 44 minutes on the Lifecycle stationary bike. Hill setting at a level 6. This feels good on my knees and is actually very theraputic (sp?) for them (non loading exercise).

August 11, 2007 "300" workout

By now everyone knows about this one. Scaled it for my wife, I performed it as RX'd.

25 chin-ups
50 DL's 135lb
50 push-ups
50 Box jumps (24" box)
50 Floor Wipers 135lbs
50 Clean and press 45lbs
25 chin-ups
Time: 22:14

The box jumps killed me. Was a fun workout to do though.

August 10, 2007 ME Day

Warm up" KB snatch 70/1 x 3
AbMat situp 40/10 x 3

CrossFit WOD (scaled...actually I forgot the rep ranges)
Press 95/5 115/5 135/5 155/5 160/4
Push Press 175/3 180/3 185/3 190/3
Push Jerk 195/1 200/1 205/1
Gasssssed after this! ALOT of OH movements...and this was scaled!
Clean Grip DL 245/5 295/5 345/5
This are feeling better. Have got to maintain as vertical a back position as possible (ala McGill) to keep gaining strength back in this movement.

August 9, 2007 Rest Day!

Although I do not like these, sometimes you have no choice.

August 8, 2007 Rest Day 5K Run

What was supposed to be my day of rest turned into a 5k run on the treadmill. Time was 28:24 Will work on bringing this time down without sacrificing too much strength. This is definitely a weakness and aren't we here to address those???