Brutality was the Crossfit WOD. Doing it at 8 o'clock at night on a stomach full of gatorade and small fry basketball popcorn made it even more difficult. Survived it, but after my final set of DL's- I was definitely feeling woozy. Complaining aside, it was a great workout and the Coach is to be congratulated, another masterpiece of pain! This is what tonight training looked like-
Airdyne @ 6mins / 2.30 miles total distance
GHR situps and Halo's with a 25lb plate. 3 rounds of 15-20 each
3 rounds for time-
225lb DL x 15
HSPU x 15 (head lowered to 2 dynadisks)
Pullups x 15
Thrusters (95lbs) x 15
Time- 19:46
10k tomorrow.
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