Has it been since October 07' that I last posted? Hard to believe. Everyday I would tell myself that I have to get caught up on the blog, and start to develop it a bit more. I am changing the layout a little bit and will be adding some links to sites that I try to visit everyday or that I feel have information that is valuable to you. Workout wise, I have been doing the CrossFit WOD for the last few weeks, trying to prepare myself for the Level 1 cert to be held in Forth Worth, TX at GSX. I have applied for affiliation several months ago, yet was told that I would be considered after I took the cert. Fair enough. In the mean time, I am trying to secure and open a box, price equipment, etc.. Busy, Busy. Today's WOD called for rest and that is what I plan to do....maybe a little foam rolling and stretching, but I need and will take a rest day. Yesterdays WOD was "Grace" and looked like this for me-
Stairmaster/ 6mins/ interval/ level 8
CFWU 3 rounds of 10 reps each
Grace (30 C&J's) Utilizing the split clean and jerk Time- 6:45
Front Squats 135/2 185/2 205/2 225/2 250/2
Legs were shot from 20 rounds of "Cindy" the day before, my lead leg when splitting was literally numb with every rep after 10! The front squats were an exercise in futility, having nothing left in the quadriceps tank. The photo I found for this post is interesting, it's a great photo of a group of weightlifters who cannot decide if they want to pose or lift!?
Tonight, I am training the Volleyball team. These girls work hard and so far have seen the fruits of their labors by winning the first 2 tourneys they entered. I will post the specifics of what they do tomorrow. It may help others who have to work with large groups, and want to come up with a very effective high intensity program for them.
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