Sunday, October 7, 2007

October 7, 2007 MetCon Day

Tabata Jumprope for 16 minutes

CrossFit's WOD "J.T."

Handstand push-ups
Ring Dips
Push ups

21-15-9 for time.

Handstand push-ups down to 2 dynadisks, everything else as rx'd.

Time- 7:59

Ordered my Buddy Lee Jumpropes tonight. Got one for myself and one for the kids, can't wait to try it out.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

October 6, 2007 ME Day

Ok, originally I had planned to do a heavy squat day today, but I talked myself into trying the WOD on the PerformanceMenu site. Big mistake. First, back was a little sore from yesterday. I had to haul all my bumpers, chalk, etc..upstairs into the garage- pain in the *ss. Snatches were slow and did not have any "pop". Hit myself in the head with just 165, decided to call it quits on maxing on the snatch and c&j and try to salvage the day and do what I should have done in the first place- squats. After dragging everything back downstairs I hit exactly the weights I needed to do today-

BB Sqt 134/10 225/3 275/1 315/1 335/5 355/5 370/5

I knew that I should have stuck with my plan, but I enjoyed the PM workout so much yesterday I was tempted to try another one today. It was not a bad WOD on the PM site, but it was bad for a me- a 46 year old guy with marginal recooperative(sp?) powers. Will I repeat this mistake again- probably.

Friday, October 5, 2007

October 5, MetCon Day Plus

Today I did the PerformanceMenu WOD. This is a great WOD site that began on October 1, and can be found here-

You can also subscribe to the PerformanceMenu online journal from this address, which if you have not done already- do so today.

Hang Power clean and Jerk 5x2 with 60% of last C&J max (used 155) Rest 60 sec. between sets.
Snatch Balance- worked up to 170/2 2 minutes rest between sets.
Max pull-ups (did these from deadhang) 12,10,7 2 minutes rest between sets.

3 rounds for time-
25 double unders
10 one arm dumbell split snatches (used 40lb db)
10 GHR Situps
Time- 10:15

October 4, 2007 Rest Day

Rest day today.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

October 3, MetCon Day

Today's MetCon workout template is courtesy of Coach Rut. He has a great blogspot at
Original workout called for 12 pullups, but I am all pullup'd out. I went with bodyweight bench presses for 12 reps instead.
3 rounds for time of-

400M run
21 Ball slams (20lb MB)
12 reps of bodyweight bench press (195lb)

Time- 11:57

As a side note, this month's CrossFit journal (October 07) is very good. I especially liked the article by Lon Kilgore on specialization. Excellent read. Check it out here-

Free issue is located here

Protect Your Children

Somber post, but one worth writing. Protect your children. Trust no coach/teacher/mentor with their safety if they will be put in a situation where they will be alone with this individual and not with a group or have other adults/parents present. This is from our local media, and yes - I knew who this guy was because I had lifted in several of his meets.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

October 2 2007 ME day Deadlift

ME day, started with a clean grip deadlift

245/1 295/1 345/1 395/1 425/1 Stopped here. The last time I took a single was in July, and pulled 410. DL strength slowly coming back.

Steel Log clean and press
One clean and one press on each rep
130/3+3 x 3 150/2+2 x 2 170/1+1

3 Rounds for time:
50M sprint
10 box jumps (24" box)
20 cross chops with 16K kettlebell (10+10 each side)
Time- 5:01
* this final metcon came from Greg Everett Performance Menu site. He is now doing a WOD, and has some good ideas.

October 1, 2007 MetCon and Power Snatch Work

Power Snatch from Blocks (above knee) 95/5 x 2 115/3 135/2 145/2 150/2 155/2 160/2

Modified "Cindy" Only had 10 as many rounds in 10 minutes.

5 pull-up
10 push-ups
15 squats

12 rounds in 10 minutes.

September 30, 2007 Rest Day

These are becoming all to common....