Two CrossFit articles appear in the latest issues of Muscle and Fitness and in Men's Journal. The Muscle and Fitness piece spotlights Petranek's Fitness and it's CrossFit program (with the history of CrossFit mixed in) and Men's Journal highlights CrossFit San Fransisco. Both are good articles told from the authors POV upon attending some CrossFit classes. Check them out at a newsstand near you.
A- Weighted Chins 25/5 30/5 35/5 40/5x3
B- Alt. Inc. DB press 40's/5 50's/5 60's/5 75's/5x3
Airdyne 6 min/2.37miles/146 calories
OHP- 160/1 170/1 180/1 190/1 195/x
PP- 160/3 170/3 180/3 190/3 200/3
BNJ- 185/5 195/5 205/5
A- Tornado Chops 8.8/50+50
B- GHR situps 10/10
3 rounds
Hang Squat Cleans
195/1x5 (80% of max hang squat clean)
A- Clean grip shrug pulls 225/5
B- Scarecrows 80/5
3 rounds
400M run
30 box jumps 24"
30 wall balls 20lb
on the clock
did 3 rounds (rx'd as 5)
Time- 18:36
TRX rotational pulls bodyweight x 10 x 3
Tabata pushups and TRX rows with 20lb vest
PU- 14,12,20,15
Row- 10,10,10,9
20minute run 2:25 miles
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