This is a cool website that literally maps out your run distances in your own neighborhood. This was fantastic, because for the first time this year I could go outside and do Saturday's WOD of a 10K run. Saturday here in Nebraska was horrible. High winds, temps around 35 degrees and on and off snow flurries...welcome to Spring! I headed out and got it done - running up hill and down, into the North wind and through the mud, it was not a good time but felt a real sense of accomplishment when I was done. That is always the best part about running...the stopping. Anyway, check out www.mapmyrun.com if you are a runner or casual walker, it is nice to get a general idea about the distance that you are traveling. Rest of the workouts looked like this-
Powersnatch 115/1 125/1 135/1 145/1 155/1 165/1
MB slams 40lb MB x 5
* Did one PS and followed with 5 slams, rest 1 minute and repeat
WOD- 10k run
Time- 63:31
Old time on Treadmill is 58 and change- with the outdoor trail and elements, I think I definitely would have beat the indoor time, but it is nice to get an outdoor benchmark.
"Quarter Gone Bad"
5 rounds for total reps
135 thrusters (15sec)
rest 45 sec
50lb weighted pullups (15sec)
rest 45 sec
Burpees (15 sec)
rest 45 sec
Pullups- 5,5,5,5,5
Burpees- 7,7,7,7,7
Total reps- 91
PC from the Hang
185/1x2 205/1x2 225/1x3
Hang shrug pulls
250 x 5 x 3
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