Last night hit bench press pin press with 2 20lb chains on each side. Alternated this with a row utilizing a thick bar handle. Alternated this with watch the game between the Hornets and Spurs.
A. BP with chains- 45/20 95/10 135/5 190/5 200/5 210/5
B. Row with TB- 90/20 140/10 190/5 200/5 220/5 240/5
Finished up with a quick metcon consisting of 400m runs and handstand push up (15) x 5 rounds.
Worked with a volleball player and did a quick non-specific warm-up followed by 20 GHR situps and Back extensions for 2 rounds. Went outside for this workout-
Wall ball (10lb dynamax and 10 foot target)
Pressing overhead KB walking lunge (10lb kb's)
Ball slans (6lb non bouncing mb)
She finished in 6:57- not bad for just getting back in shape.
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