Sunday, May 11, 2008


Went with the CrossFit mainsite WOD yesterday.....FRAN- the brutal couplet of barbell thrusters and pullups for time. I wanted to break the 5 minute mark, but it was not meant to be. I probably did not leave enough in the tank after my "pre" workout just to get psyched/warmed up enough to do Fran.

12min Lifecycle level 8

3 rounds of 20 abmat situps with 25lb plate
20 kb swings with 52lber
45 second handstand hold

Fran- time, 5:23......old pr 5:25, done at GSX my time was 5:45, but I do not believe the time was accurate on that.

12 min Lifecycle level 6.......this was brutally hard. Instead of lying on the floor or walking around- jumped back on the bike.

May start to do this work by moving the weight up on the is not the pullups, those are fairly easy and do not seem to be as taxing as the thrusters in the later rounds....or I could just become more FIT! Hey what a concept.

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