Another pervert (alledged) is in the news. Last year it was a local powerlifting coach taking pictures of kids as the dressed in a private room while they changed into their powerlifting gear in his basement gym. He is gone for a long time in the pen. Now a local soccer guru has been charged with binding and gagging kids, then suspending them in the air in his garage. This was done for his sexual gratification. I knew of, and had met both of these guys. If my son was still playing soccer, he probably would have played for the soccer coach in question. In each case, these horrors were committed when the child was alone. Never, Never, Never leave your child alone with a coach, trainer, etc... either be with the child, or make sure there will be a team or group in attendance. This is not meant to slight all coaches/trainers, but to the small minority of creeps- you have to protect your child. One slip could cost that child his or her innocence for the rest of their lives. How normal of a life will these kids who were tied up, gagged, and raised to the ceiling while "coach" got his rocks off be? Be vigilant. When it comes to your child- DTA, "don't trust anyone".
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