Knees are sore. Left elbow- bursa sac swollen. Got some kind of cervical issue that is causing discomfort and pain to right shoulder. Left shoulder screwed up. Yikes. Hopefully I can figure out a way to train- make gains- and get my body pain free (relatively) again. Took off yesterday, but still ended up doing a parent child soccer game and then coming home to some one on one bball out in the driveway. Today I stole a workout from Anthony Dugilio(sp?) site www.theartofstrength.com. Anthony has a very inspirational story and has really become a marketing genius with his kettlebell series and now branching out into strongman training. He sent out his newsletter that had a workout done by a former Husker Kyle Vandenbosh. This guy was ripped up as a Husker and physically has not changed. I added some 400M runs to the workout and some posterior delt stuff (trying to get healthy)- but it is a basic "push" type workout.
400m run
Side chest press with DB (70lb) x 5
Floor pullover with Barbell (65lbs) x 10
Elevate ring push ups x 10
Alternating ring flyes x 10
Scarecrows x 10 (100lbs)
x 5 rounds
The side chest press is a variation of the floor press, but you cross your leg/hip over your opposite leg in the same way that you would perform a "hip stretch". This elevates your shoulder off the ground creating more range of motion when pressing the bell. Alternating ring flyes sounds kind of "fu-fu" bodybuildingish, but I kid you not....watch out- these are tough if you are not a gymnast. From the ring push up position you will move one ring out laterally, then bring it back to your start position while repeating the movement on the opposite side.
This was a fun "different from what I have been doing" workout that really felt good, even though my structure feels like crap. Tomorrow I think it is time for Deadlifts and box jumps.
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