last night. Today I sucked. Should have taken the rest day. Overhead squats always suck. When I was competing in OLing, I just did not do them. I could always snatch or power snatch more than I could rack, step out and squat overhead- kills my shoulders and feels totally wrong to do. But screw it- I am trying to get better at them, so I will suck it up and push through. Helen time tonight was a PR by a 18 seconds- big deal, I thought I would have crushed my old time but honestly I wanted to tap out after the first round.....I was dying. I slowed down the treadmill and kept on going. Isn't that what it's about? Who would have known or cared if I would have bailed out early and just posted whatever time I wanted? Tempting- but not something I have ever done, Why would I? Remember who you do this for- you, you and no one else. I wonder if the pressure to post times online (crossfit.com) may lead some to inflate (or deflate) their numbers somewhat. I could give a sh*t about what someone thinks about my numbers and you should feel the same way. I have nothing to prove and neither do you. Train hard, train smart, and always give it your best- everything else will sort itself out. OK, rant overwith.