I have not been keeping up with this thing at all this week. Week went like this-
Nicole- As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
400M run
Max pull-ups
6 rounds with a total of 102 pullups
High bar squats
45/10 95/10 135/10 185/10 225/10
Nate- As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
2 muscle ups
8 KB swings with 2 pood
(subbed 5 chins and 5 dips with 25lbs for 2 MU's)
7 rounds and 2 pu's
Bear Complex- PC+FS+PP+BS+PP x 7 (95lbs)
2 minutes on airdyne
5 rounds.....did not keep time on this
Jerk Practice
95/5 135/5 155/5 175/5
Standing pulls with rolling thunder 100/10 120/10 140/10 160/10
High Cable chops 100/10 120/10 140/10
DB Core Rows + pushups 60's x 10+10 x 3 sets
4 400M runs with 2 minutes rest inbetween
1- 1:42:72
2- 1:30:47
3- 1:29:03
4- 1:25:25
Here is what some summertime powertraining will do....I was so blown up I could not get my head into the picture!
PS.....this is sarcasm:)
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