What a great time of the year if you are a BBall fan. As I type this K State is going at it with Wisconson down in Omaha. Outstanding. Duke just got knocked off by West Virginia. I do not care what team you are rooting for you have to give it to these young men....they leave it all on the floor. Teams can be down or up by 20 and they WILL not be counted out until the last buzzer sounds. Pure drama on the hardwood.
As the tournament goes on, I am in the basement-
GHR KB press (OK, get into a horizontal extension position on your GHR...like the end position of most GHR situps, hold a KB in the floor press position and press for the prescribed amount of reps...sit up and exchange kb to opposite side and press again)
12kg KB for 5+5, 7+7, 9+9, 11+11, 13+13
Follow with 1 minute on the airdyne for max calories
Power Cleans from the floor
95/5 135/5 185/3 205/3x3
Fridays WOD from Crossfit Mainsite- For Time
HSPU- 15-13-11-9-7-5-3-1
L-sit pull ups-1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15
Time- 14:07
Lost it in the end on the pullups....HSPU's actually getting easier- wider hand position and further away from wall! Made a huge difference.
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