Today was the day. Back on track with the Crossfit.com mainsites WOD. Tried to get in the groove sooner- but it was not meant to be. There is alot of discussion on many sites about form and technique when it comes to CrossFit. Coach Glassman has said many times that WOD's need to have both- Technique/form and Speed. At the Fort Worth Cert this was brought up multiple times. This argument will be like the argument of what constitutes acceptable depth in the squat. The argument will never be settled- but most people know it (proper) depth when they see it, but when it comes to max effort, unfortunately perfect technique can go out the window. You can lay out a template for people to follow, and say in the pull-up, if the chin does not go over the bar...then it does not count as a rep. Doesn't matter if you have one leg, are 95, or whatever. A chin up has a strict definition and whatever you did does not fit that definition. "Grace" is probably the new ugly workout. I thought that it consisted of 30 clean and jerks....meaning a squat clean. Then Grace became Power Grace. Now Grace is pull the bar up straight legs or whatever and get that MFer overhead no matter what. This is essentially what "old timers" would call a 2 hands anyhow overhead lift. Nothing wrong with it. Many athletes are capable of 2 minutes times, but what happened to technique and the actual work done? If this is brought up, you are labeled a form Nazi. Does it really matter? Once again, you can preach all you want about proper deadlifting form but when you are on that platform but when 5lbs means the difference between first and second, do you think you will stop the lift if your back rounds?? Hell no- you keep pulling no matter what because that is what the sport requires- lifting the maximum amount of weight. Is it dangerous- Hell yeah it is, but you accept that risk when you sign up. Would the same guys/gals who do an ugly X minute Crossfit storm still be at the top of the record board even if they cleaned up their form...absolutely- they are monsters and would only be slowed down a little. In the end all we can do is worry about ourselves and our athletes. Jon Gilson has an excellent article on his site againfaster.com about this subject and Coach Glassman has been addressing this issue in the last 2 online Crossfit journals. To me it is a concern, yet so far I have been sleeping OK at night over this :) How do you feel? Is this a non issue, or something that needs to be dealt with asap?
Today went like this:
Airdyne @ 6 mins
Snatch practice
"Diane" scaled 21-15-9
Used 225 on DL's but my HSPU's were lowered to two dynadisks.
The deads feel great, but when my time slips below 4 minutes I will take out 1 disk and essentially start over.
Old PR- 5:45
New PR- 4:42
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