Saturday, March 15, 2008

Snatch work today!

Yesterday was a rest day on the Crossfit mainsite, but I went ahead and did a mild 5K run (38minutes?), no record breaker- just getting in some work. Today called for 7 sets of singles on the barbell snatch lift. Still alittle cold outside to get into the garage...and as of yet have no down to the basement for a compromise- Power Snatch with an Overhead squat. This is how this afternoon went.

Hanging leg raise with a kip x 30
Shoulder horn x 20 10's-12's-15's
Box jumps 18" x 10 with little knee bend on land
3 rounds

Pass thrus and OHS with PVC x 10
3 rounds

Power Snatch and OHS (1+1)
65/3 95-115-125-135-145-155-160-165-170

Snatch High pull from bench

Feel like I need to work on the top end of the snatch- not getting enough vertical lift like I used too. My max in comp was 90KG and I feel like I am strong enough now to match or surpass that but I have yet to prove it on the platform.

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