Ruiz moves up among bodybuilders
Posted by jwaggone November 03, 2008 22:28PM
Staten Island Advance file photoStaten Island bodybuilder Carol Ruiz has joined the sports top ranks after winning an International compeition.
We've talked about Carol Ruiz in this space before and her meteoric rise in bodybuilding's amateur ranks.
Now the 37-year-old is joining the sport's top ranks after earning her pro-card by winning the International Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation's BOSS Sports Science Naturalmania Nationals in Manhattan in mid-September and placing first in Class A figure competition.
INBF is an amateur affiliate of the WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation), the world leader in drug-tested bodybuilding and figure competition.
"That was the goal before, to become pro," said Ruiz, who lives in Grasmere with husband Luis and kids Amanda and Kenneth. "I'm hoping more doors will open, like endorsements and sponsorships."
Doors have already opened for Ruiz, since she will be featured in the Oxygen fitness magazine in January.
"I hope to inspire someone," said Ruiz, whose other goals include becoming a WNBF judge, opening her own health club and working with the elderly.
For now, it's training for Ruiz, who has a competition coming up in two weeks. A toned look is what the judges will look for, where Ruiz and her counterparts will have two minutes to walk solo on stage to get points on their aesthetic appearance. While wearing a one- and two-piece sparkly swimsuit and stiletto heels, each contestant displays their chiseled and tanned physique in quarter turns.
"Being on stage," she said, "it shows the hard work you put in.
Turning pro, apparently does, too.
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