From time to time allow me to rant on a few random subjects other than strength and conditioning. With the recent election of our new president, the radio and tv "sound bytes from the crowd" found me wondering what kind of a "new world" are we heading to. Most of the clips were concerned about what the president was going to do for this person or that. Huh? What about doing for your country? This morning while training a group of ladies the subject of the presidency came up and many were worried about their taxes going up when one woman shouted that "we need this man so badly to fix our country.....we just need him!" Not much logic behind this statement but a lot of emotion. Do we need someone to mother us/father us besides our own deity? This got me to thinking about what sort of person am I? Do I need someone to look up to, to make feel secure and safe? I know that this is a stretch and if you are a democrat you are happy today and if you are a republican you are not, but as a country it seems like we are losing our pioneering spirit. Are you a joiner or a leader? A sheep or a ram? Quit whinning about what you do can't do, and concentrate on what you can do. No matter what your political affiliation- we need to look to ourselves to make this country strong, safe, and productive into the future. Be a John McClane type, not a lemming.
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