Friday, February 27, 2009


I want to thank President Obama and his ilk for coming up with the latest budget proposal. Giving from the "rich" and giving to the "poor"....gee that has never been tried before. Listen, my family is in the "rich" catagory....making over 250K. Know how that happened? WORKING OUR ASSES OFF! My parents, nor my wife's parents had any money to give us. We started out with loans and responsible debt and worked our way up to the income that we have now. We have 3 kids and a nice mansion- a 3 bedroom home. Our daughters share a bedroom. Tell me how it is fair that my wife and I work our asses off and are penalized for it? WTF is going on with our country??? If the primary goal is to create and keep jobs...then why would you go after and tax the hell out of small business owners, and those with the capital to start up new businesses?? Obama- have you talked to an economist? I suggest Ernie Goss (sp?) out of Creighton in Omaha, NE. Yours is a formula for disaster now and for our childrens future. And to those you take the governments handouts that are not in truly need.....GET OFF YOUR ASS! Since when is it guaranteed that you will have a home and a car when you grow up? Is this what your parents taught you?

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