Thursday, February 28, 2008
Feeling weak!
Have not been on schedule this week at all. Wussed out on two Crossfit WOD's because of time restraints, and with the cert this weekend- frankly I wanted to have something left in the tank. Yesterday I came up with a WOD of my own. After the first round- I was gassed and had thoughts of cutting it or quitting. This morning, I am just plain sore and beat up. Will take off today and tomorrow and just do some stretching and resting. Looking forward to the cert at GSX in Fort Worth, but do not like leaving the family alone for the weekend. Thank you to my wife for allowing me to go, and for juggling everything this weekend while I am gone!
Wednesday went like this-
3 rounds for time
400M run
21 SDHP (using a 72Kb and sitting down on a 12" box with every rep/pause reps)
15 pullups
9 ring dips
Time- 15:40
Not a good time, but I was truly not in the mood and was just glad to finish.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I have to post this....
This is great. What a human being. How many of us would have this attitude. I know that many sites have posted and reposted this, but with losing both my parents at a very early age, and having kids of my own- this is a powerful lecture.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Pressing matters.....
Yeah, today was an overhead day on the Crossfit WOD. OHP's, PP's, and PJ's. Missed yesterday's WOD (Eva), not out of cowardice, but was at a volleyball tourney all day. Today was no different. Busy, Busy, Busy- whose life isn't?? Will try to keep up blog with short entries, but with the cert this weekend- I will do the best I can.
Shoulder Press
155/1 165/1 175/1 185/1 190/1
Push Press
155/3 165/3 175/3 185/3 195/3
Push Jerk Behind Neck
155/5 165/5 175/5 185/5 195/5
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Son of Blogger
My son Connor has now asked me to start training him after a 1 month sabbatical. He has been playing a ton of basketball and it was just to difficult to fit in training with his practices, games and schoolwork. He has been chosen to play in an all-star game, and his team will compete in the local YMCA MIT tourney and that will be it until summer bball and then on to football. No baseball this summer. This will be the first summer none of our kids are doing baseball/softball since kindergarten, hard to believe. Con's goal is to increase his fitness and get functionally stronger- hoping to put on a few pounds along the way. Today's workout consisted of a 2 non-specific warm ups, strength work and speed work, and finishing with a tabata mash-up for conditioning and hopefully hypertrophy. Con, like all my kids will work hard when given a specific task- he eats up these workouts once he starts.
Airdyne/ 2 mins/ distance .45 miles
3 rounds of 10 reps of 1. abmat situps 2. back extensions 3. Samson stretch
A. Bench press 35/5 45/5 50/5
Box jumps 12"/10 18"/10 24"/10
B. Tabata Mash-up
OHP (25lbs) 10,11,11,12
FT pulldowns (40) 12,11,10,13
Today was a rest day for dad....did 2 sessions of 20 minutes on airdyne at around 70% effort.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Probably should not have done.....
......the extra upper body work yesterday. I should have known that Coach Glassman would make it up on one of these WODs. Today's WOD is "Lynne" which consists of 5 rounds of Max reps of the benchpress (using your bodyweight or scale it) and pullups. Seriously- my upper body was feeling it from yesterday, but I still thought I could hit a pr here. After my first set of benches I was not so sure. I started to die around rep 15- about 10 reps short of where I thought I would be. Ended first set at 18, 2 reps short of what I had done in October 07. Pullups were up, so maybe I could make up some ground on those! PR'd in the end. Benches were down a little, if I had not done them yesterday that would have been reversed. My weight is at 190, but in October 07 (the last "lynne") it was 195, so that is what I used.
Old total looked like this:
BP (195) 20 17 14 12 11 (74)
PU's 25 20 17 15 11 (88)
Total- 162
Today went like this:
BP(195) 18 16 14 12 11 (71)
PU's 30 25 22 21 15 (113)
Total- 184
In honor of the NFL combine, which is going on at this moment (good luck to all those with destiny, and to those who dream) I posted a couple shots from SI, from two years back when Vernon Davis was preparing for the combine at Athlete's Performance in Tempe. What a stud! I wonder what this cat could do to "Lynne?"
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Huskers caged the "Beast" Last night!
Great game last night! We sat in the second row, and saw some great defense from the Huskers. They shut down Michael "the Beast" Beasley. They draped two guys on him and the rest played zone, and it worked. Huge win for the Huskers. In the end, it will probably not matter to Beastly, he will go high in the NBA draft this spring and move on- he is a physical freak, who just had a bad night. The last time he played the Huskers he hung 35 on them. Sometimes you are the hammer and sometimes you are the nail. Speaking of being hammered like a's workout-
Tabata Mashup (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest- 8 intervals)
BP- 155x 17,10,7,8
Chest supported DB rows- 50'sx 11,10,9,8
Functional trainer rows- 120x 11,9,8,8
Standing Alt. KB presses- 40'sx 10,8,10,8
Scarecrows- 70x 17,16,15,14
Alt. DB pulls- 50'sx 12,11,10,9's WOD consisted of a 400m run, followed by 50 airsquats, for 4 rounds, for time.
Time- 15:21:57
I thought I had a solid effort on this, but checking my time versus some on the sight- not so good. Hey, about 1 week till my cert in Fort Worth! I gotta get in shape!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Another front squat movement.....
From the mainsite. I did front's with chains, Crossfit WOD had us do Front Squats singles, now today the WOD is Squat cleans from the hang position. Good test for my left knee and so far it has held up. Does not mean that I cannot feel that it is not 100%, but no acute pain, or lack of flexibility....I have been pushing it hard with the anterior load type movements with an extreme or full range of motion. Today's workout looked like this-
Airdyne/6minutes/distance of 2.23 miles
CFWU x 3 rounds of 10 reps each
Squat cleans from the Hang position
* stopped here, starting having trouble getting under the weight.
Playing hooky tonight from client training (they understand, and know I will make it up to them!) and will be taking my son to see Kansas State play Nebraska at the Devaney Center. My son is a huge fan of Michael Beasley of Kansas State, and has been asking me since he saw the Husker schedule to try and get us tickets. I was training one of my groups this morning, and a gentleman who trains about the same time asks me if I want any tickets (he is a KState booster) Unbelievable! I will report tomorrow on the game and the future NBAer.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Front Squats
Not a great WOD tonight for me. posted 10 sets of singles in the front squat....good thing I did them before Saturday's 5k WOD! Felt weak on all sets.
* 5 dips and 5 chins with 20lb vest in between each set!
Hope coach hits these for a couple of weeks like he did the deadlifts. I could tell I had not done these with a significant load for awhile. Use it or lose it, and tonight it was definitely gone.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Pain in the Assie....
Is what the Crossfit WOD "Annie" should be renamed for those who are forced to do it in there basement! I am no jumprope artist as it is, but try doing stuttered double under jumps when you have a low ceiling, a power rack on your right and a furnace to your left! 2 jumps, catch on something, restart- 2 jumps, catch on get the idea? "Annie" looks like this-
10 reps or Double unders followed by identical reps situps for time.
My time......13:20.
The workout itself is simplistic yet brutal when you put it on the clock. Go for it.
I need to get myself to a Buddy Lee clinic.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Even when you don't feel like getting it done.......
Ya just hafta! Went to the mainsite and saw that tomorrows WOD had already been posted- 5K run! OK. I needed to motivate, so I put in the movie "300" got down like a Spartan and began with a small metcon that looked like this-
3 rounds (did not put it on the clock...but probably will next time)
****did this workout wearing a 40lb vest!!
DB Renegade/Core rows with 65lb dumbells for 10 rows right/10 rows left/10 push-ups
40lb MB slams (catching all on the bounce) x 10
Front squats with 80lbs of chain at the top x 95/10
This was a great circuit that could have been done for time or for rounds.
5K run
Time- 27:49:75
No record here, just glad to get in done in under 30:00!
Feels great to get a workout in, even when your mind/body is pulling you in another direction. Be like a Spartan-push yourself, make yourself faster, stronger, leaner- do not accept what you can change by your own will!
Rest and Recovery
Today is a scheduled day of rest per the CrossFit WOD. I will either abide by this, or later this afternoon come up with a strength/metcon workout on my own. I have to take my son to a basketball tourney in Kearney, Nebraska and will not be able to hit Saturdays WOD- possibly making it up on Sunday with Sundays WOD if this is even possible. Rest and restoration, especially at 46 is especially important if one is to continue to make steady gains and remain somewhat injury free. I utilize contrast showers (warm and cool), static and active stretching, mobility drills, and foam roller work to help keep me going relatively pain-free. Check out the latest article found on the site by Dan John about restoration methods that he has employed.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Fran and Pizza
WOD today was "Fran" consisting of 95lb thrusters and pullups with a rep scheme of 21-15-9 completed for time. I had done this last September (07) and came away with a 6:15 time. Today I did it in 5:30, so there is some progress. I need to practice my thrusters. Many do them with heavier weight, but I may try a lighter load and concentrate on speed. I am already doing heavy front squats and overheads, so this should take care of the strength component- we shall see. I will experiment and see what happens the next time I do "Fran." Now it is time for a holiday tradition of a Valentino's heart shaped pizza....not exactly zone, but my wife and kids are forcing me to eat it! Happy Valentines day to all, hope you have someone special to share it with.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Randy Simmons.....
was the inspiration for another Hero workout from the mainsite. Randy was a 51 year old LAPD member who was killed in the line of duty on February 6 of this year. Thoughts and prayers to his family. "Randy" consists of performing a 75lb powersnatch for 75 reps for time. Went like this-
Stairmaster/Interval/L-8/ 6 minutes
Zercher step-ups (12" box) 95/10 115/10 135/10
In between each set of step-ups performed 20 GHR sit-ups with throw, using a 6lb dynamax MB for 3 rounds
75lb power snatch for 75 reps
Time- 7:57
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy......
was killed on February 4 during combat operations in Iraq. He is survived by his wife and his infant son. Today's CrossFit mainsite WOD was dedicated to Chief Petty Officer Hardy and rightly titled "Nate." Everyday these men and woman are putting their lives on the line for our freedom, and I for one am very thankful that they do. Their sacrifices must not be forgotten. They allow us to get up, enjoy our family, go to work, CrossFit, see one of our children's sporting events- the list could go on and on. I do not care if you are for or against this war, but everyone needs to support our troops.
Airdyne for 6 mins/ distance 2.20 miles
CFWU 3 rounds of 10 reps each
As many rounds in 20 minutes-
2 Muscle ups
4 Handstand pushups
8 2-hand KB swings with a 2pood KB
Got 10 rounds.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Deadlifts! Deadlifts! Deadlifts!
Pretty simple WOD from the mainsite. Seven single pulls, either with a static load, or a progressive one, ending with a max effort and possible pr. Many posts from the Crossfit site lament that they did not lift a pr and are disappointed. Remember a Max Effort is just that for that particular day and time, the most that you can move in that lift-period. If you hit a pr, and you will at some point- great, you had a nice training lift and now have a bigger number to base your future lifting percentages on or just a bigger number to shoot for on the next max effort attempt. The idea is to give it your all, not hit a pr. Stay the course and stay positive. Heres what happened today.
3 rounds of 10 reps
GHR situps/Reverse hypers (90lbs)
Clean grip deadlift
435/1 (5lbs more than the last dl max effort day....stopped here)
Down set, did 1 rep every minute with 345 for 5 total reps.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Bodybuilding and 5 K run
I'll admit it. I still have that little voice inside that still cares about the lats and pecs. Could not resist, when today's WOD called for a 5K run (from the mainsite). Went for a little pumpitude first with some rounds of bentover cable rows, using a thickbar attachment and Bench press with 1 chain attached to each bar end equaling 20lbs each or 40lbs total at lockout. Finished with an easy 6 rounds each, should have pushed this a little harder. I expected the 5K run to be easy, since we had just done the 10K but it was not. PR on the run, but not by much (3 seconds). Rule for tomorrow is to push harder! Don't finish the workout and regret that you shoulda, coulda, woulda . Looked like this-
As many rounds in 10 minutes of
Standing cable rows with thickbar handle/ 150x7
BP with chains (40lbs at top)*/ 155*x7
Finished with 6 rounds
5K run
Time- 25:05:25
Friday, February 8, 2008
Dirty Dozen
CrossFit WOD was the Dirty Dozen. I had not performed this one yet, but I liked the assortment of exercises and the best thing about this workout was I had all the equipment needed with the exception of a climbing rope. I had to sub towel pullups, and I have to say, I would rather have a rope. The ratio is 15 towel pullups to one 15ft rope climb. The best towel I could find was a "Scooby Doo" beach towel of the kids and heard it tear with every rep! I was just waiting for that bad boy to rip in half on me! I made it, but would much rather climb a 15 ft rope (more fun too)! The garage served as the jump rope area and had to sneak outside and use the backboard for my wall ball shots....notice the snow on the ground- felt pretty nice today, around 40 degrees but artic air is on the way this weekend.
CrossFit's Dirty Dozen
25 Walking lunges
20 Pullups
50 Box jumps (20")
20 Double unders
25 Ring Dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 KB swings (2 pood)
30 Situps (abmat)
20 Hang cleans with db's (35)
25 Back extensions
30 WallBall shots (20lb ball/10ft target)
3 Rope climb ascentions or 45 towel pullups (I did the pullups!)
Time- 23:07
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Push/Power Jerks
March issue of Men's Health...
Has an interesting article entitled "Secrets From America's Best Gyms." Yeah, I know-are there really any secrets left?, but seriously this is an enjoyable read that quotes many ideas/tips from a very eclectic group of trainers from around the country. CrossFitters will recognize one author- Robb Wolf, who operates CrossFit Norcal Strength & Conditioning and gives some nice info on dipping form. Hopefully this "break" will allow Robb to get more of his writings published into the mainstream via Rodale publications. Go to the newsstand and check it out.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Snow Day!!!
Yikes! Just got the call that school is cancelled for tomorrow! We got a lot of snow today and it looks like we will be getting more tonight into tomorrow morning. I have been scooping most of the afternoon and evening, and I am sure it took something out of me tonight.....either that or I am just weak. Probably the latter. This is how it went-
Practiced full squat snatch
65/2 85/2 105/2 125/2 150/2
Left knee felt OK. Strained or tore something in this knee several weeks ago on the third rep of a 250lb clean. Substituted split cleans and split snatches until I feel the knee is back up to 100%.
CrossFit WOD "Joshie" as rx'd
3 rounds for time
40lb db snatch (full squat snatch) 21 right arm
21 L pull-ups
40lb db snatch 21 left arm
21 L pull-ups
Time- 33:57
This was a brutal WOD. Once again the temptation to cut the pulls or cheat a little on the pull-ups had to be overcome. It was hard not to keep staring at the clock and thinking of ways to cut time- but I did not, I stuck with good form on each rep and finished the workout.
Snow day for the kids, but training clients tomorrow and the Volleyball team tomorrow night! Cannot wait for Spring.
Monday, February 4, 2008
How 'bout those Giants!!
Ok, so I was not looking forward to watching the Super Bowl after the Packers got knocked out, but man, oh, man- what a game! I could not care who won, but it is nice to see the underdog come through once and awhile. Took a rest day on Sunday, but hit the squats tonight according to the WOD from the CrossFit mainsite.
Stairmaster/Intervals/L-8 @ 6mins
CFWU x 3 rounds of 10 reps each
BB Back Squats
Stopped at 405. Originally planned to hit 395 (90% or 440=last 1 rep max for CrossFit total) but, what the heck- it was only a mere 10 more pounds! I was surprised that my legs and back still had some gas left in them from the last few days/workouts. It must have been all the fat and carbs consumed yesterday that recharged my glycogen stores!
That was it. Looks like a hard metcon for tomorrow.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
CrossFit's WOD was "Tabata something else" which consists of 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work, broken apart via 10 seconds of rest inbetween work intervals. Movements used in this workout are pullups, pushups, situps (abmat), and squats (butt to dynamax ball) each done for 8 intervals each. Score equals total rep count(s) of all 32 intervals.
Today looked like this-
Pullups 13,12,8,9,8,6,6,6
Pushups 20,18,14,11,8,10,9,10
Situps 15,20,13,12,10,10,9,12
Squats 15,15,15,12,10,15,10,19
Total: 380
Last time: 336
Prior to this I did some OHP's with 2 20lb chains dangling from the bar ends*
45*/10 95*/5 115*/3x3
Makes the movement a little less stable and provides extra resistance at the 3/4 to lockout position.
If you have watched any of the Mark Rippetoe video series on the CrossFit mainsite, you will recall that when he was instructing on the loaded overhead press, he told the trainees to lock their knees, yet "get some hip thrust going" to start the bar moving. I would say that this picture of John Grimek OHPing illustrates Coach Rippetoes point!
New Husker S&C Coach
New Stength Coach James Dobson looks like a good hire by Pellini. If he was an assistant to Chris Doyle at Iowa, then he knows what intensity is all about. Chris Doyle knows his stuff, and can walk the walk when he needs to. Not to bad mouth the past S&C Coach, but I had the opportunity to work with a few ex-huskers- putting them through some hybrid/CrossFit style workouts, and some did OK, one puked, and the last one paid me the ultimate compliment at the end of his workout by stating "Now I know why we were 7-7"! That made my day. Go Huskers- get back the eye of the tiger! Check out the article about Coach Dobson here-
Husker football workouts 'intense'
By BRIAN CHRISTOPHERSON / Lincoln Journal Star
Saturday, Feb 02, 2008 - 01:17:23 am CST
He’s only been on the job a few weeks now, but already players have figured out that standing idle in the weight room is a thing of the past.
“It’s nonstop for an hour and a half,” says Husker senior quarterback Joe Ganz.
“It’s night and day,” says senior defensive end Zach Potter, comparing last year’s workouts to this year’s.
It’s winter conditioning under James Dobson, the Nebraska football team’s new strength and conditioning coach.
“Intense,” says Ganz.
“Intense,” says Potter.
He might have you in and out of the weight room in 90 minutes. But while you’re there, don’t plan on a lot of small talk.
The two players say workouts are more up-tempo than they were under Dave Kennedy, who led Nebraska football’s strength and conditioning program for the four years Bill Callahan was head coach.
Oh, don’t get it wrong. Workouts with Kennedy challenged the body and mind, too. Kennedy is a veteran in the field and is well-respected. Texas A&M hired him right after he left Nebraska. Potter still calls him “Coach K.”
But players say it’s quite evident that Dobson’s conditioning methods are different than Kennedy’s.
“I think Coach Dobson’s workouts are a lot more intense,” Potter says. “You get in, you get out. We do our work quickly. But we do it with a lot of intensity. You’re working hard in a short amount of time. Under Coach K, we’d take our time between lifts. Some people like that. Some people like it with Coach Dobson. He always wants you moving.”
Ganz says the running drills this year are similar to what the team did under Kennedy, but this year the team does a lot more flexibility work, “plyometrics stuff.”
Potter says the 34-year-old Dobson can be fiery, but also is able to joke around with the guys when the hard work’s over.
“He’s young enough to know and understand what’s going on in our lives,” Potter says.
Adds Ganz: “It’s the best of both worlds. He’s not someone you’re scared to talk to, but then again, he’s kind of a hard-nosed guy. He wants you to do your work and he wants to get everything done.”
Dobson says one of the biggest parts of the job is building relationships with the players.
“When you can relate to people, you’re going to get more from them when you ask them,” says Dobson, previously an assistant strength and conditioning coach at Iowa.
Aside from the administrative responsibilities, Dobson says his new role isn’t much different than working as an assistant.
“Coaching players is coaching players, whether you’re supposedly the head guy or you’re the head assistant or the third assistant, whatever it is,” he says.
Still, there is some major responsibility to being the “head guy.”
With coaches busy trying to fill out a recruiting class, Dobson is the face players see probably more than anyone on staff right now.
It’s the face Potter sees at 6 a.m. every Monday and Thursday, the days Potter’s position unit does its running drills.
Sprints before breakfast are hardly an enjoyable thing, but every workout comes with knowing it might pay dividends some Saturday in October.
Last year, the defensive line got pushed around during a 5-7 season. Nebraska finished 116th in the country in rushing defense.
Potter knows that isn’t how it goes around here. This year has to be different.
“It’s everything. It’s my senior year,” he says. “I think it’s going to be my best year.”
Dobson isn’t interested in talking about last year. He was hired by Husker head coach Bo Pelini to help this team move forward. You could surely knock out a few sets in the time it takes to talk about 2007, after all.
“I think preparation is the key to success: bottom line,” Dobson says. “I just look at every week as the ability to get better, the ability to prepare ourselves as football players.”
Given how last season went, Ganz says motivation has not been hard to find, even with the season seven months away.
“Guys were embarrassed,” Ganz says. “No one was more embarrassed than we were. We’re ready to get that taste out of our mouths. But it’s a long, hard process. It’s going to take time. But we’ve got the time to do it, the time to work hard, and that’s what we’re going to do.”
Friday, February 1, 2008
10 K Run!
Today's WOD on the CrossFit site called for a 10 K run. I had never performed a 10 K, but had done multiple 5 K's since starting CrossFit. Brother, it ain't the same. I stomped my way through and completed it in 58:22. I am happy for a first attempt. Ran on the treadmill, without stopping. At this point though, I do not forsee any attempts at a half or full marathon. Will finish up tonight's workout with some static stretches with a jumpstretch band and a little foam roller and possibly some traction work. Probably slap a couple of ice packs on my knees for qood measure.
X-Body Snatch....
This is name given to this movement by Paul Chek. Kind of unique. Good for a functional warm-up. Anchor one end of an olympic bar and grab opposite end and perform a sort of cross body snatching movement, dropping into a split position. This would work well with a "grappler" unit sold by elite fitness systems. Hopefully these pictures will make more sense than my description.
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