CrossFit's WOD was "Tabata something else" which consists of 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work, broken apart via 10 seconds of rest inbetween work intervals. Movements used in this workout are pullups, pushups, situps (abmat), and squats (butt to dynamax ball) each done for 8 intervals each. Score equals total rep count(s) of all 32 intervals.
Today looked like this-
Pullups 13,12,8,9,8,6,6,6
Pushups 20,18,14,11,8,10,9,10
Situps 15,20,13,12,10,10,9,12
Squats 15,15,15,12,10,15,10,19
Total: 380
Last time: 336
Prior to this I did some OHP's with 2 20lb chains dangling from the bar ends*
45*/10 95*/5 115*/3x3
Makes the movement a little less stable and provides extra resistance at the 3/4 to lockout position.
If you have watched any of the Mark Rippetoe video series on the CrossFit mainsite, you will recall that when he was instructing on the loaded overhead press, he told the trainees to lock their knees, yet "get some hip thrust going" to start the bar moving. I would say that this picture of John Grimek OHPing illustrates Coach Rippetoes point!
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