Yikes! Just got the call that school is cancelled for tomorrow! We got a lot of snow today and it looks like we will be getting more tonight into tomorrow morning. I have been scooping most of the afternoon and evening, and I am sure it took something out of me tonight.....either that or I am just weak. Probably the latter. This is how it went-
Practiced full squat snatch
65/2 85/2 105/2 125/2 150/2
Left knee felt OK. Strained or tore something in this knee several weeks ago on the third rep of a 250lb clean. Substituted split cleans and split snatches until I feel the knee is back up to 100%.
CrossFit WOD "Joshie" as rx'd
3 rounds for time
40lb db snatch (full squat snatch) 21 right arm
21 L pull-ups
40lb db snatch 21 left arm
21 L pull-ups
Time- 33:57
This was a brutal WOD. Once again the temptation to cut the pulls or cheat a little on the pull-ups had to be overcome. It was hard not to keep staring at the clock and thinking of ways to cut time- but I did not, I stuck with good form on each rep and finished the workout.
Snow day for the kids, but training clients tomorrow and the Volleyball team tomorrow night! Cannot wait for Spring.
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