Great game last night! We sat in the second row, and saw some great defense from the Huskers. They shut down Michael "the Beast" Beasley. They draped two guys on him and the rest played zone, and it worked. Huge win for the Huskers. In the end, it will probably not matter to Beastly, he will go high in the NBA draft this spring and move on- he is a physical freak, who just had a bad night. The last time he played the Huskers he hung 35 on them. Sometimes you are the hammer and sometimes you are the nail. Speaking of being hammered like a nail...today's workout-
Tabata Mashup (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest- 8 intervals)
BP- 155x 17,10,7,8
Chest supported DB rows- 50'sx 11,10,9,8
Functional trainer rows- 120x 11,9,8,8
Standing Alt. KB presses- 40'sx 10,8,10,8
Scarecrows- 70x 17,16,15,14
Alt. DB pulls- 50'sx 12,11,10,9
Crossfit.com's WOD consisted of a 400m run, followed by 50 airsquats, for 4 rounds, for time.
Time- 15:21:57
I thought I had a solid effort on this, but checking my time versus some on the sight- not so good. Hey, about 1 week till my cert in Fort Worth! I gotta get in shape!
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