CrossFit WOD was the Dirty Dozen. I had not performed this one yet, but I liked the assortment of exercises and the best thing about this workout was I had all the equipment needed with the exception of a climbing rope. I had to sub towel pullups, and I have to say, I would rather have a rope. The ratio is 15 towel pullups to one 15ft rope climb. The best towel I could find was a "Scooby Doo" beach towel of the kids and heard it tear with every rep! I was just waiting for that bad boy to rip in half on me! I made it, but would much rather climb a 15 ft rope (more fun too)! The garage served as the jump rope area and had to sneak outside and use the backboard for my wall ball shots....notice the snow on the ground- felt pretty nice today, around 40 degrees but artic air is on the way this weekend.
CrossFit's Dirty Dozen
25 Walking lunges
20 Pullups
50 Box jumps (20")
20 Double unders
25 Ring Dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 KB swings (2 pood)
30 Situps (abmat)
20 Hang cleans with db's (35)
25 Back extensions
30 WallBall shots (20lb ball/10ft target)
3 Rope climb ascentions or 45 towel pullups (I did the pullups!)
Time- 23:07
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