I'll admit it. I still have that little voice inside that still cares about the lats and pecs. Could not resist, when today's WOD called for a 5K run (from the Crossfit.com mainsite). Went for a little pumpitude first with some rounds of bentover cable rows, using a thickbar attachment and Bench press with 1 chain attached to each bar end equaling 20lbs each or 40lbs total at lockout. Finished with an easy 6 rounds each, should have pushed this a little harder. I expected the 5K run to be easy, since we had just done the 10K but it was not. PR on the run, but not by much (3 seconds). Rule for tomorrow is to push harder! Don't finish the workout and regret that you shoulda, coulda, woulda . Looked like this-
As many rounds in 10 minutes of
Standing cable rows with thickbar handle/ 150x7
BP with chains (40lbs at top)*/ 155*x7
Finished with 6 rounds
5K run
Time- 25:05:25
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