Thursday, July 31, 2008

Today's Workout

Double Duty today.

DE BP wk # 2
8 sets of 3 with 60% of your 1RM
coupled with
MB slams, 3 reps with your heaviest MB for 8 sets also-
put this on the clock and beat your time from the previous cycle of 8x3.

Alternating KB or DB floor press x 10 reps
coupled with
Alternating KB core rows or DB chest supported rows x 10 reps
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes.


Overhead push press 95/65 x 20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2
Box Jump 24"/18" x 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20

This one is brutal, Put this also on the clock and see what happens!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Today's Workout

ME DL Week 1- Rep Scheme of 8
(Wk2-6's, Wk3- 4's)
Alternating weeks of ME squat and deadlift. Week 1 starts with Deadlifts for a max set of 8. In
Conventional DL's
3 sets of 8, start moderate and build to a max set of 8 pulls.

Metcon for time-

Hang powercleans-95/65 x 50 reps

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Today's Workout

For Time:

Run 200m

Power Snatch- 115/65 10,8,6,4,2

Pullups (supine grip) 10,8,6,4,2

Run 200, do 10 Powersnatches, do 10 pullups, repeat run and follow with 8 Powersnatches, 8 pullups....repeat until complete!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Today's Workout

ME Floor Press Week 2

5 sets of 3 reps. Start low and build until you hit a 3RM.

Inbetween each set do a supine chin. Use a vest or elevate your feet.

Finish with the couplet of one arm db rows and dips.

Rep scheme is 21-15-9

Add 5lbs to DB weight and dip weight from last week. This will be the last week of this couplet.

Do this for time- beat last weeks PR.

Friday, July 25, 2008

RIP Randy Pausch

Today's Workout

DE Box Squats- week 2

Same set up as last week. Use bands if you have them and do a single wrap with a purple of medium band.

Use a 12" box or a box height that will bring you just below parallel.

Do pause squats if you have no box or lumbar issues. If doing pause squats your percentage for today will be 50% of your 1RM.

Box squatter will do 60% of 1RM.

All will do 8 sets of 2 reps, pausing or sitting on the box for 2-4 seconds before rising.

Time your total effort and compare to last week.

Finish with Barbell lunges with the bar in the racked position and GHR's.

Barbell lunge x 5+5
GHR x 10
Do 5 rounds

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Today's Workout

As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 minutes-

200m Run

KB double swing to clean position, squat to dynamax ball, stand and press KB's. This complex equals 1 reps, do 10.

Keep KB's light, and move through this workout.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Today's Workout

DE BP week #1

Simple. Add 5lbs to your starting DE load from week 1 of your last 3 week cycle. If you are starting from scratch, use 50% of your 1RM.

10 sets of 3 reps of BP

Alternate with

MB slams for 3 reps- use the heaviest nonbouncing MB that you have.

Put it all on the clock and try and beat your former 10 sets of 3 time.

A short rest- then go to,

Alternating DB floor press
Alternating DB Chest supported or Core rows

12-10-8-6-4-2 will be the rep scheme.

Again- time this.

Finish with Standing single arm KB press for 5 reps on each arm and Kipping pullups for 10 reps. As many rounds in 5 minutes.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Today's Workout

ME Squat

5 sets or singles, working up to a new 1RM

Start low and make big jumps, till you hit a max weight.


As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:

Single leg, stiff leg deadlift using a DB x 6 reps per leg, coupled with-

60 second wall sit with a load placed on your lap (weight plate, weighted vest, sand bag, DB, KB)

Get into a parallel or below position and hold.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Rest and Recovery Day

Stretch, foam roll, Z, contrast showers....recover.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Today's Workout

Reverse Hypers x 50 reps. Use machine or replicate. Use a light load, 50% bodyweight.

For Time:

100 Burpees/pullups-Rip it and do it on the clock.

Repeat with Reverse Hypers x 50 reps....same load as first set.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Recommended Reading

Check out Power Training by Robert dos Remedios, MA, CSCS. It has been on the shelves for a few months but it contains alot of great ideas for barbell complexes, some may be new to you- others you may have forgot about. Coach Dos is not an internet guru, but a coach who is in the trenches daily, working with athletes and seeing what is effective and what is not. Priced under 20.00 it is well worth the asking price and one of those books that you will (and should) use in your facility...not one that just sits in your bookcase.

Today's Workout

Maximum effort is required today...hence ME day.

Week 1 of 3 week cycle.

Floor press (5x5)
work up to a heavy set of 5, example
135/5 155/5 175/5 185/5 205/5

After each set do one set of supine grip chins, using external load if you can- 5 reps

Finish with this metcon from last week-

*adding 5-10lbs of resistance to your dipping weight and your dumbell weight.


Dips and one arm dumbell rows....for time and you are aiming to beat last weeks time- even though you have increased your load in the dip and hard and you will adapt to imposed demands!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Today's Workout

Let's hit it! First, this is a DE day so we will start with box squats. Here is the protocol. Box squats using a 12" box (or whatever height box it takes for you to hit just below parallel) with a pad if you have it. Use a set of medium jumpstretch bands with a single wrap setup. Warm up and hit 10 sets of 2 reps with 50% of your 1RM. Here is a little twist. To eradicate the "plyometric effect", wait 4 seconds/4 count before ascending off the descend onto the box in a controlled manner....stay tight and count to 4....explode upward maintaining good body position all through the movement. Keep a timer on for all 10 sets and record this effort.

Next do a couplet of Heavy rotational chops, 6 reps per side and follow it up with 18" box jumps using a powerjumper from Lifeline USA. Use a single band today. Do this for 10 jumps.

Complete 5 rounds.

Finish with 4 sets of 10 2 handed swings with a 50+ pound KB.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rest and Recovery Day

Rest today and get ready for the next three days but be sure and wish me a happy birthday, 47 years old today-Yikes!!! What a ride it has been so far.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Today's Workout

DE today. Loads should move with speed. Use 65-70% of your 1RM BP.

6 sets of 3 reps

After each set of BP's, do 3 ball slams with a heavy non-bouncing MB (6 sets of 3)

Do this for to last week.

Take 65% of your DE load, divide in half, and that is what you will use for your DB load(s).

DB BP - as many reps as possible in 30 seconds, followed by

Kipping pullups- as many reps as possible in 30 seconds (add a vest or hold a db with your feet decide.)

Do these for 3-4 rounds.

Abmat situps x 100 reps for time

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

If you are a zoner....

This is a great blog to check out. It is put together by the Crossfit Santa Cruz Central people and it is entitled "Eat This!" It is a daily menu type blog giving you some great menu items for individuals on the zone diet. If you are curious or a hard core "zoner" it is really worth a look. Check it out at

Today's Workout

ME movement today is....Deadlift!

Hit 5 sets of 3 reps with your last set being your 3RM.
Start low and make big jumps, rest 4-5 minutes inbetween and lift big today.

Finish with your 3rd week of the complex lift consisting of a deadlift, jump shrug, powerclean and from the rack position, step up right and then left, this equals one rep. Shoot for as many reps as possible in 10 minutes....breaking your record from last week.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Rest and Recovery Day

Get on a foam roller or do some Z Health mobility work.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Strength based approach...

A few weeks ago I stopped using the Crossfit mainsite wods and went back to doing my own wods with a heavy strength based approach. Basically I went back to a ME/DE approach and rotated my ME dl and squat, and DE squat/BP workouts every other week. I have been feeling stronger (a natural byproduct) and the load increases have reflected that, but what is surprising is that in the last week I have broken my 5K time and yesterday ran an easy 800m (equalled a previous pr) then went on to do Fran and broke that pr by 50 seconds, then finished with a slower (about 70%) of my starting 800m time. Interesting. I will continue with this system for a few more weeks and try some more benchmark workouts and see what the numbers do.

Today's Workout

Metcon only today-

For time-

5 Powercleans and pushjerks (135lbs men/75lbs women)

Run 400m

5 Fullcleans and pushjerks

Run 400m

5 Hangcleans and pushjerks

Run 400m

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Today's Workout week for BP Pin Presses.

Pins set at chest level. Start low and build up to your 1RM.


165/2 205/2 225/2 245/2 265/2....after 5th set if you still have some in the tank...empty it!
Go for a strong single.....275/1 285/1 etc..

Inbetween each set hit a set of 20 supine rows for 5 total sets.

Finish with a metcon.

Single arm DB rows....think heavy!
Dips....add resistance if you can!
Do it for time.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Today's Workout

DE Day!

Start with some box jumps, again- strap on a weighted vest if you have one.
Do 4 sets of 5 reps adding 4-6" with each succeeding set.

Next hit some box squats, using 65% of your 1RM for 6 sets of 2 reps.

Finish with 1 minute of Jump rope coupled with 15 KB or DB swings for 5 rounds.

Dudes use 50+lbs, Dudes that look like ladies use 25+lbs.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Today's Workout


Back to the bench. 2nd week of 3 week cycle. This week-

8 sets of 3 with 65% of your 1RM BP

Inbetween each set do-

MB slams for 3 reps (use as heavy a non-bouncing MB as you have) for a total of 8 sets.

How long did this take you? Compare to last week.


Take your DE BP load and multiply it by 60% and now you have your TOTAL db weight/load. Split it in half and use this for DB weight. Alternate timed sets of DB flat bench for 30 seconds with Kipping pullups for 30 seconds for 3 rounds each. Record your total reps. Did you total more than last week?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Today's Workout

ME Squat day!

Warm up and hit 3 sets of 3 reps. Your last set of 3 should be your top set.

Example: 315/3 335/3 355/3

Complete these and go to your complex consisting of a Deadlift, Jump Shrug, Power Clean, from the rack position do a step up with your right and left foot....this is one rep. Drop your bar and go for as many reps as you can within 10 minutes. Beat last Monday's record. Use the same load as last week.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Today's Workout

Run 200k

21 pullups

Run 400k

21 ring dips

Run 800k

21 Power Snatch with 95lbs men/ 65lbs women

X 2 rounds with a time component....isn't there almost always....

Congratulations to all that competed this weekend in the CrossFit games. Special props to the crew from CrossFit Omaha- great showing for Nebraska.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Today's Workout

BP pin presses
Set pins at chest height
Perform 5 sets of 3 reps with ever increasing loads until you hit a max set of 3.

Example: 185/3 205/3 225/3 245/3 265/3

Alternate these with supine rows. Use a thick bar if you have one. Do 15 reps per set for 5 sets.

Next do some push presses. You will use a descending rep count in conjunction with ascending loading. Example: 95/10 115/8 135/6 155/4 175/2

After each set of push presses do a set of alternating KB cleans. Your KB load will not change, but mirror the rep count of your push presses. Example: 32kg KB's for 10,8,6,4,2.

Finally- take your starting push press load, and perform as many reps as you can in 1 minute and record. Don't short these! Get full extension overhead.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Today's Workout

Box Jumps (put on a vest if you have one)

13"/5 19"/5 25"/5 31"/5

Box squats

60% of your 1RM for 8 sets of 2 today.

R. Hypers of 2 handed KB swings for 4 sets of 25

or you can sub a quick metcon workout of

5 Deadlifts (275 for beasts)
10 Burpees
5 rounds on the clock

This is one of the workouts that will be performed this weekend at the Crossfit games. I used 275 and stumbled through it in 5:58. Good luck to all the competitors this weekend.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Rest and Recovery Day

Happy Fourth of July! Remember the soldiers that are fighting for our freedom in your prayers today.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Today's Workout

Run a 5K today! Stretch those tight hamstrings afterwards. Don't forget to put up your flag tomorrow! Hey, why not start a trend and do it on a daily basis.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Today's Workout

DE BP (speed BP) Starting with 60% of your 1RM.

Do 10 sets of 3 reps. Inbetween each set perform a set of 3 MB slams. Use a Moderately heavy MB, a 20lb ball if you have it.
Put a time component on this- How quick can you get this done?

Next, catch your breath and perform a couplet of DB BP and kipping pullups for 30 seconds, shooting for max reps in that 30 second time period and repeat for 3 total rounds. Record all reps. The load on the DB BP should be 50-60% of your DE BP load. Example, if you used 175lbs for you DE BP load, take 60% of that (105) split in two, and you would use a set of 50lb dumbells.

See you tomorrow. Remember, the number one cause of eye injuries in the US - FIREWORKS. Do your kids use safety glasses when lighting them? Think about it.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Today's Workout

ME work today!

Start with some deadlifting.

Warm up and hit 3 sets of 5 reps, shooting for a 5RM on your final set. Feeling good? Add some more weight and hit a couple of singles for fun.

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
This is a favorite combo lift(s) of Coach Dos. With a hook grip, do a deadlift. Proceed to a jump shrug. Next perform one power clean. Stay in your rack position and do a step up onto a box, step, decide the height....studs and studettes will use a step of at least 12". Step up with your right, step down and repeat with your left. Drop the bar (or set it down gently) and repeat for as many times/rounds in 10 minutes. Watch your form and make each movement distinct. Load will be dictated on your step-up in the racked position strength. 95-135lbs would be a good range.

End with a grip movement. Rolling thunder deadlift holds for time, grippers, hang from a chin bar for time....whatever you can use for 3-4 sets.