DE BP (speed BP) Starting with 60% of your 1RM.
Do 10 sets of 3 reps. Inbetween each set perform a set of 3 MB slams. Use a Moderately heavy MB, a 20lb ball if you have it.
Put a time component on this- How quick can you get this done?
Next, catch your breath and perform a couplet of DB BP and kipping pullups for 30 seconds, shooting for max reps in that 30 second time period and repeat for 3 total rounds. Record all reps. The load on the DB BP should be 50-60% of your DE BP load. Example, if you used 175lbs for you DE BP load, take 60% of that (105) split in two, and you would use a set of 50lb dumbells.
See you tomorrow. Remember, the number one cause of eye injuries in the US - FIREWORKS. Do your kids use safety glasses when lighting them? Think about it.
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