Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Today's Workout

ME work today!

Start with some deadlifting.

Warm up and hit 3 sets of 5 reps, shooting for a 5RM on your final set. Feeling good? Add some more weight and hit a couple of singles for fun.

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
This is a favorite combo lift(s) of Coach Dos. With a hook grip, do a deadlift. Proceed to a jump shrug. Next perform one power clean. Stay in your rack position and do a step up onto a box, step, platform...you decide the height....studs and studettes will use a step of at least 12". Step up with your right, step down and repeat with your left. Drop the bar (or set it down gently) and repeat for as many times/rounds in 10 minutes. Watch your form and make each movement distinct. Load will be dictated on your step-up in the racked position strength. 95-135lbs would be a good range.

End with a grip movement. Rolling thunder deadlift holds for time, grippers, hang from a chin bar for time....whatever you can use for 3-4 sets.

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