Let's hit it! First, this is a DE day so we will start with box squats. Here is the protocol. Box squats using a 12" box (or whatever height box it takes for you to hit just below parallel) with a pad if you have it. Use a set of medium jumpstretch bands with a single wrap setup. Warm up and hit 10 sets of 2 reps with 50% of your 1RM. Here is a little twist. To eradicate the "plyometric effect", wait 4 seconds/4 count before ascending off the box....so descend onto the box in a controlled manner....stay tight and count to 4....explode upward maintaining good body position all through the movement. Keep a timer on for all 10 sets and record this effort.
Next do a couplet of Heavy rotational chops, 6 reps per side and follow it up with 18" box jumps using a powerjumper from Lifeline USA. Use a single band today. Do this for 10 jumps.
Complete 5 rounds.

Finish with 4 sets of 10 2 handed swings with a 50+ pound KB.
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