We are inundated with ads in every major and minor media outlet on how to get in shape for the coming year. Follow this course, do this diet, buy this machine..... Does anybody really fall for this bullsh*t anymore? Absolutely! As PT Barnum said "there is a sucker born every minute" Fitness business is big business, and you need to keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out attitude when deciding to buy in. Here are a couple of tips-
1. Does it say it on the label? If a product promises in print ads that you will lose X amount of pounds by using it, is it in writing on the label- by law it has to. If not, buyer beware.
2. Is your personal trainer certified? That's great, but for how long? From who? Does he have insurance? Can he provide references? How long has he been training people- you get the idea. Alot of trainers are getting their credentials via online sources....not exactly "hands on" training, and some certifications cost alot and have no meat, yet when all the trainers leave the cert after 2 days....they all carry the same cert credential.
3. Are you thinking about purchasing some exercise equipment? Why buy new when used will do. Check the classifieds in your local paper and online. Look at your local Craigslist. Go to Play it again sports, but make sure you get a deal, many times they are asking too much for used equipment/weights. Don't get played....get it?
Starting or renewing your training vows is a terrific endeavor to undertake. Just find something you LIKE and LOOK FORWARD to doing. If you hate lifting weights, then dude or dudette- you probably won't. Find what turns you on and be consistent! Use some of the tips above and screw PT Barnum and be nobody's sucker!
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