DB floor flyes-x 8
Scarecrows x 8
DB shoulder horn x 8
x 3 rounds
DE BP with chains completely off floor at lockout.
Use one chain on each end of bar, subtract weight from total load or RM%
Do 4 sets of cluster reps, resting 15 seconds between each rep and 60 seconds between actual sets.
40% of 1RM x 1+1+1
45% of 1RM x 1+1+1
50% of 1RM x 1+1+1
55% of 1RM x 1+1+1
Follow with
A. Wide grip BP x 3 x 12
B. Supine grip chins x 3 x 12 (use additional resistance)
End with-
Countdown set for time of:
BBarbell shrugs
DB upright rows
record time
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