Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Interesting CrossFit site

Gravity Janes Crossfit gym has a great website and 2 cool points of interest. First they have a workout generator that randomly "pulls out of the hopper" a Crossfit mainstay workout or one of their unique creations. Second, they have a webcam that throughout the day may be viewed to show actual classes and or private sessions. I think this is a great idea and one that keeps your trainees connected to your gym, even when they are on the road or are maybe not attending like the should. Check this site out at
Today's Workout
RE LB Week #1
3 minutes HIT cardio (use a Tmill, rope, stepper, box, bike, rower, or high knees in place)
Front Squats x 75% or your 1RM Front Squat (or aprox) x 5 sets of 6 reps
Hang clean to front squat x 50% of your 1RM Front Squat x 4 sets of 4 reps
Power clean from deck/floor x 80% of your 1RM PC x 3 sets of 2 reps
A1. Banded front lunges (alternating) x 20
A2. KB Swings x 15
A3. Hanging feet to bar x 10
X 3 rounds
20 minutes moderate cardio
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Today's Workout
ME BP Week #1
3 minutes HIT cardio
Seated Overhead Press, work up to a max set of 10 reps, take 80% of that weight and do a rep set. Record all loads and use spotters or press inside a rack with safety bars in place.
A1. Weighted Chins x 3 x 5-8
A2. Heavy MB slams x 3 x 10
Ring Dips x 100 total reps, performing 10 dips every 30 seconds until complete
CS Barbell rows x 3 x 10
20 minutes moderate intensity cardio
Monday, May 11, 2009
Today's Workout
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Today's Workout
Friday, May 8, 2009
Today's Workout
RE BP Week #3
3 minutes HIT cardio
Crazy Band Bench Press
Warm up and start with 50% of your 1RM on bar. Loop a jumpstretch band on each end and hang 10-25lbs on each end
BEWARE! Use a spotter or spotter bars in a rack! You can easily eat this bar if you are not careful.
4 x 10
Kipping chins 4 x 25
Renegade DB rows 5+5+10 x 2 x 3 rounds
5 row right, 5 rows left, 10 pushups and repeat
Single arm DB hammer curl and OHP x 3 x 8
20 minutes moderate intensity cardio
video courtesy of Extreme Training Systems
3 minutes HIT cardio
Crazy Band Bench Press
Warm up and start with 50% of your 1RM on bar. Loop a jumpstretch band on each end and hang 10-25lbs on each end
BEWARE! Use a spotter or spotter bars in a rack! You can easily eat this bar if you are not careful.
4 x 10
Kipping chins 4 x 25
Renegade DB rows 5+5+10 x 2 x 3 rounds
5 row right, 5 rows left, 10 pushups and repeat
Single arm DB hammer curl and OHP x 3 x 8
20 minutes moderate intensity cardio
video courtesy of Extreme Training Systems
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Today's Workout
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Another CrossFit Beast is Born!
This is a video of Jeff Leonard hitting a Grace workout. Jeff won the Norcal regional this past weekend that will qualify him to compete in the CrossFit games this summer.
Video by CrossFit San Ramon.
Video by CrossFit San Ramon.
Today's Workout
Monday, May 4, 2009
Today's Workout

ME LB Week #3
3 minutes HIT cardio
Rack deadlift, sumo or conventional
2" off floor, pull for max single today. Drop to 80% of that load and hit max reps
A1. DB lunges 5+5 x 5
A2. 45 degree hyper x 10 x 5
Powerclean from floor 60% of your bodyweight x max reps and record
Tornado ball x 30 seconds x 4
20 minutes moderate intensity cardio
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Crossfit Games!
Today's Workout
Friday, May 1, 2009
Today's Workout
RE BP Week #2
3 minutes HIT cardio
Single arm DB floor press x 10 + 10
Suspended pushups (with rings or blaster straps) x 10
Alternating slide board pushups x 10
Floor pullover with barbell x 10
X 4 rounds
Parallel grip chins with load x 4 x 8-10
CS rows x 4 x 8-10
Alternating DB hammer curls x 2 x 10
Countdown set-
DB Jerks x 12,10,8,6,4,2
12 minutes moderate cardio
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Today's Workout
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Today's Workout
ME BP Week #2
3 mins HIT cardio
Barbell Incline Press, work up to a max set of 3 reps. Take 80% of that load and perform max reps and record.
A1. DB rows x 4 + 4
A2. Suspended Pushups with load x 12-15
x 4 rounds
Standing single arm KB jerks x 8 + 8 x 2 sets
B1. Overhead rope tri extensions with a lunge x 10-12
B2. Log bar curls x 6-8
x 3 rounds
20 mins moderate intensity cardio
Monday, April 27, 2009
Josh Everett does it again!
This is a great video from Crossfit Marina. Coach Everett is a terrific example of someone who actually walks the walk. What an effort!
Today's Workout
ME LB Week #2
Deadlift emphasis
3 min HIT cardio
Rack Deadlift, same position as wk#1, same stance as you used last week, work up to a max set of 3 reps. Take 80% of that load and perform max reps and record.
DB Reverse lunge x 4 x 6
KB overspeed swings x 3 x 15
Cable pull throughs x 2 x 20 (stiff leg)
20 minutes moderate cardio
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Today's Workout
Friday, April 24, 2009
Today's Workout
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Today's Workout
RE LB Week #1
3 mins HIT cardio preferably airdyne
Barbell Squats 4 x 10 with 50% or your 1RM
GHR 4 x 10 use additional load if needed
1a. TRX dynamic lunge x 10
1b. 18" box jump x 10
1c. MB slams x 10
as many round as possible in 5 minutes
5 powercleans, 4 snatches, 3 hang cleans, 2 hang snatches
rest and repeat for 3 rounds
12 minutes moderate intensity cardio
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Today's Workout
ME BP Week #1
3 mins HIT cardio
Barbell Incline press, work up to a max set of 5 reps, drop to 80% and perform reps
A1. DB row x 5+5
A2. Suspended pushups x 20
x 4 rounds
Seated (on floor) KB alternating press x 2 x 12
B1. Overhead rope tricep extensions x 15-20
B2. Logbar curls x 8
20 minutes moderate intensity cardio
Monday, April 20, 2009
Today's Workout
ME LB Week #1
Deadlift emphasis
3 min HIT cardio
Rack Deadlift just below knee, sumo or conventional work up to a max set of 5 reps, drop to 80% of your 5RM load for the day and do max reps and record.
DB Reverse lunge x 5x5
KB overspeed swings x 3 x 15
Cable pull throughs x 2 x 20 (stiff leg)
20 mins moderate cardio
Friday, April 17, 2009
Today's Workout
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Today's Workout
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Today's Workout
ME BP Week# 3
3 minutes HIT cardio
Work up to a max single on the barbell floor press (use spotters or spotter bars in rack)
Take 80% and hit max reps and record.
A1. Weighted Pullups x 10,8,6
A2. DB Incline press x 10,8,6
Countdown set:
DB push press
MB slams
Tabata Jumprope x 20sec work/10 sec rest x 8 rounds
Monday, April 13, 2009
Today's Workout
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Today's Workout
RE LB Week #2
3 minute HIT cardio
Rack Deadlift (conventional) 2" off floor x 3 x 8
DB lunges x 3 x 5+5
A1. Free squat to dynamax ball with 20lb vest
A2. KB hand to hand swing
X20 seconds work/10 seconds rest x 5 rounds
3 minute HIT cardio
Rack Deadlift (conventional) 2" off floor x 3 x 8
DB lunges x 3 x 5+5
A1. Free squat to dynamax ball with 20lb vest
A2. KB hand to hand swing
X20 seconds work/10 seconds rest x 5 rounds
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Today's Workout
Posting late! Will post Monday's and Today's Workout-
ME LB Week 2
Barbell Squat Max set of 3, then take 80% and hit a max set of reps and record.
Barbell step-ups 4 sets of 5 reps per leg adding 20lbs from last weeks weight.
45 degree hyper ext or any back extension 3 sets of 10 reps with 35lbs
Today's Workout-
ME BP Week 2
Barbell Floor press Max set of 3, then take 80% and do a max set of reps and record.
A1. Pendley BB rows 3 x 8
A2. Crossover pushups 3 x 12
B1. Seated (on floor) DB or KB presses (alternate) 3 x 10
B2. Rolling Thunder 3 x 10 (right and left)
100 abmat situps for time
20 minutes moderate intensity cardio
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Today's Workout
Friday, April 3, 2009
Today's Workout
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Today's Workout
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Today's Workout
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Paul Chek in action
Agree with him or disagree, Paul has been on the cutting edge for quite sometime now. I remember his first articles in Muscle Media 2000, and his bits for powerlifter video magazine. Paul put the cable woodchop and swissballs/stabilityballs on the map. Unlike a few of the new "gurus" Paul still gets after it and looks the part of someone who can "walk the walk."
Today's Workout
Wk #1 ME BP
3 minutes HIT on bike or rower
Barbell Floor Press, work up to a 5RM, then take 80% and do reps, not quite failure...leave 1 or 2 in the tank.
Weighted pullups x 3 x 9,7,5
Dips x 100 reps in as few sets as possible
A1. Military press with DB's or BB x 15,13,11
A2. Fat bar curls x 15,13,11
with as little rest as possible
Tabata jump rope (20 second work/10 rest) x 16 rounds
Monday, March 30, 2009
Today's Workout
Friday, March 20, 2009
Today's Workout
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Today's Workout
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Ropes are the latest fitness tool. I got a set from for christmas and have had some fun using them. Multiple applications and for the traveling trainer, most ropes are just need some open floor space to use them. My clients got a kick out of them, and for most, making training fun is what it is all about (I know, I know, no pain no gain....yeah, tell your insurance carrier). You can purchase a set, or find some old fire hose, or again be creative and see what's available at a local farm implement store. Again, are ropes necessary for your fitness program...probably not. They won't grow hair, or help with your ED, nor make your teeth whiter, but they are a cool addition to any trainer or trainees arsenal.
Today's Workout
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Today's Workout
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Today's Workout
Friday, March 13, 2009
Today's Workout
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